Thursday 6 October 2016

Gratitude, try it, you'll like it!

Like many of you I've been struggling with my WW plan lately, personal issues seem to be taking over.  I keep working on living with the attitude of gratitude and I must say it never lets me down. Whenever life seems too overwhelming I take a moment to list all I am grateful for and it's like magic, a calm settles over me and I am able to take a moment, breathe and continue forward.

Try it!  Gratitude fills all spaces in our heart and soul so there is no room for fear, anger and negative feelings.  Thanksgiving weekend can often cause anxiety and fear about staying on Plan. We must realize the easiest way to fall off Plan is to be anxious and fearful.  We must also realize the best chance our Thanksgiving Plan has for success is to execute it with gratitude.

Have a wonderful 
Thanksgiving Weekend!
Keep your gratitude front 
and center....
you'll be thankful you did!