Wednesday 27 May 2015

Do you love what you're doing?

Do you love that you are trying to change your relationship with food?  Do you love that you are working to make your life better by being healthier?  Do you love getting together with others and sharing the experience?  Do you love trying new ways to achieve your weight loss goals?  Do you love choosing real food over processed food?  Do you love giving your body the movement it needs?


 so you work hard, persevere, learn new habits, study healthy guide lines, sacrifice 
old ways but still don't love why you do all of that??

Could you possibly be putting a bigger road block between you and your goal?  
Me thinks not.
Loving what you do to get to your goal, and why you're doing it, is half the battle.

Ya gotta find the love or it really is just a pain in the ass!

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