Tuesday 18 August 2015

My relationship with food is finally quite healthy but what about my relationship with WW?

The summer has taken me and my weight loss efforts on a roller coaster ride and I'm not big on rides! But through most of it, my mind, body and food relationship has been quite healthy, meaning I've balanced my "on Plan" days with my indulgent days, have got my 10,000 Fitbit steps in most days and, even though I've had some frustrating "wish I could get back to goal days", I have not beat myself up once!  Considering the relationship I've had with food my whole life, that is pretty damn healthy, wouldn't you agree?
However, yesterday I had a bit of a revelation: my relationship with WW is not as healthy as it could be and here's why:  I love the plan and think it's truly the best way to lose and maintain weight loss but, and here's the unhealthy part, I also fear it.  I am fearful to get weighed in every week because I know with my summer cha-cha-ing I am still 7 or 8 pounds over goal. I'm fearful if I weigh in before a meeting that I will be in a funk and be useless to my members if the scale doesn't budge or budges in the wrong direction.  I'm fearful that I will seem less-than in the eyes of my members and co-workers because I can't seem to get back to goal.  I'm fearful that I may never get back to goal.  I'm fearful that my hard fought battle to have a peaceful and healthy relationship with food will suddenly end.  That's a lot of fear!!  Why didn't I see it before?  Why am I fearing something I love?  Too many years of living a fear driven life I guess.

So now I have a new goal: to manage my fears and I think I will start with acceptance.

So what do you fear?  Is your fear holding you back?  
Jack Canfield says
 "Everything you want is on the other side of fear."
So why not let it go, what have you really got to lose??

This is what I am going to try...

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