Wednesday 9 December 2015

Why do we fear change?

My fear driven brain has always been fearful of change but thankfully something inside of me was greater than that fear.  Actually, come to think of it, what made me overcome some of my fears was just a greater fear. Doesn't sound like someone who needs therapy? Actually I've been in therapy a couple of times and found it very helpful, I highly recommend it!

We fear what we don't know, we fear what we do know.  Many of us were brought up by fear-driven parents.  Parents who lived through tough financial times and really had to work hard for everything and feared losing it.  At least that's how I grew up.  I let fear rule my 20's, 30's and some of my 40's. I'm determined my 50's will be different and part getting rid of fear is saying "yes" to change.

I think back to all of the times I said, "No, I'm not doing that" for fear of what could happen, usually a fear that I wouldn't be good at something.  And I'm talking about easy things or simply saying "yes" to trying something new, not jumping out of a plane or fighting a woman eating tiger!  So quite often I made nothing happen.
So if you are locked in fear one simple, albeit not always easy, way to move past it is to start saying "yes"to small changes in your life.  Saying "yes" opens doors and allows the fear to move on.

What are you allowing your fears to take from you?
What are you perhaps missing out on every time you say "no"?
What would happen if you said "yes"?
It could be something great and 
even if it's not so great this time, 
chances are you won't die...
unless there is a tiger involved, 
then you could die.

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