Tuesday 9 February 2016

Back from holidays and feeling very successful!

I don't think that is a phrase I have ever uttered, or even thought, before.  But when I was thinking about writing this entry I took a moment to really think about how I was feeling after 17 days on holiday and I truly have a feeling that I am not used to....the feeling of success!  
This is not to say that even though I ate on Plan and exercised every day that perhaps I didn't gain a bit (I weigh in on Friday), I may have but that's okay.  And that being okay is the source of my feeling successful.  Does that make sense?
As part of my continuing desire to grow into a happier and more peaceful person I had decided to start telling myself on a daily basis that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing to lose weight.  And that is what I did on my vacation. I told myself how fabulous I was (haha) and what great choices I was making:)  I said it out loud too....because after all, there was just me, the birds and the monkeys listening! (As usual, my husband had his headphones on listening to music).

One of the by-products of feeling successful throughout my holidays was I didn't have to deal with the inevitable feelings of failure when I got home!  Think about it.  How many times have you come back from being away, either on holidays, or work related, that you've felt like a failure because you did not stay on Plan?  Lots of times, right?  And where did those feelings of failure get you? Nowhere but mired in negativity and the need to eat your way out of it!  And, you have the feeling like you have to start all over again.  But if you feel successful all of the time you have no reason to feel like you have to start again.  

And, this bears repeating....being successful does not necessarily mean you lose weight, it means you set a plan of action and did your very best to make it happen.  We should never ask more of ourselves than that....remember, that's all we ask of others.  

So what are you telling yourself?  
How successful you are or how unsuccessful your are?

Think about it.

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