Wednesday 24 February 2016

You can't out run a bad diet..

Exercise is a huge part of becoming healthy and losing weight...but you can't out run a bad diet.   We want to believe if we work out we can eat more and when I say more I don't mean more real food, I mean more junk food.  

Dr. Mark Hyman said "we need to start thinking of junk food as recreational drugs".  Or even as alcohol. If we had alcohol for breakfast we'd all know we had a problem (except on vacation, then it's okay!).  But what about the fast eatable products we consume many or every morning or lunch?  And sometimes we have them AFTER we've just spent an hour in the gym!  We think the hour of sweat balanced the 3 minutes of eating a sugary-fat something.  It doesn't.  We know it, now we just need to accept it.

Time to stop fooling ourselves.  
We are what we eat...don't be junk.

And now this just because it's funny. :)

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