Wednesday 2 March 2016

The connection between being negative and weight loss.

Last week in our meeting I asked if anyone had been kind and loving to themselves the week before and no hands went up for the longest time and then one hand went person out of the whole group had been kind to themselves and even then it was a rare event for that person!   I'd liked to say I was surprised at the lack of self appreciation but I wasn't, after all, we're all the same.

This was not the first time we broached this subject but it's a sensitive topic so I tend to let it go and move on but this time I just couldn't.  The sea of uncomfortable and sad faces was too much so I asked "Why???? Why is it so difficult to show yourself at least the kindness and respect you would show a friend or even a stranger?".  Still nothing and more uncomfortable faces so this time I moved on to our topic of goal setting.  I asked if setting small goals and achieving them made them feel proud of themselves....and nothing.  Then one member said she had never been made to feel that she could reach her goals so now even though she knows what to do and how to do it she can't seem to stick to her plans to reach even her smallest goals.  Not surprising everyone raised their hands in agreement.

A light bulb turned on it my head illuminating what I already know (because I live it):  we will not have full success and reach our goals until we ditch the negative story that we're not capable, not worthy and just not doing it right. Well, that crap has got to stop!  I don't know about you but I am bloody sick and tired of trying to think of changes I can make that will  make me successful at this weight loss game!  I'm done!  From now on I will work the Plan happy in the knowledge that I am doing it perfectly well!

I won't lie, it can be a challenge keeping my new "I'm a success" story in my head but one absolutely undeniable fact keeps me from going back:  My old story just didn't work!!!!  For 54 years I have had this same negative story in my head and I now finally, FINALLY, get didn't, hasn't and never will "work" for doesn't work.  Did you get that??  Negativity does not work.

So this is my new mantra! :)

I urge you, take a look, pay attention, to the thoughts (your story) in your head.  If they are in any way negative you need to change them.  Every time you notice a negative thought banish it, say "Nope, Nada, No More. ". Change your story, change your life.

Here's the beautiful thing about our stories...

Change your story, change your life.

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