Wednesday 27 July 2016

My latest Try-A-Thon...breathing.

The inside of my head is one busy little piece of gray matter!  I know I'm a Chatty Cathy (1960's doll reference) on the outside but that's nothing compared to the chatter in my head.  And most of that chatter is useless and adds nothing but self-induced stress.  It has become one of my new Try-A-Thon's to quiet my mind, or at least cultivate a more peaceful one.

I tried meditating years ago and, in typical 25 year old Joanne fashion, decided to start with an hour and when I was incapable of lasting more than 5 minutes, I gave it up and added it to my list of failures. Now I don't worry about the length of time, which is a good thing because sometimes it's quite literally seconds, I just concentrate on being aware of my breath or when I'm walking I concentrate on how my body feels taking each step. If I feel my mind start to wander, I go to my happy place which is gratitude and I'm always happy to stay there for a while.  Quieting the chatter for a few minutes, or even seconds, several times a day can bring a calming effect to even the most hectic brain.

Because this journey of becoming our best selves is never ending and sometimes painful we must find a way to quiet all of the old stories and negative thoughts that are road blocks to our success.
Feeling stuck?  Try meditating.
 I suggest starting with way less than an hour!

Monday 18 July 2016

It's not a deep fried gold fish!

At the beginning of the summer we talked about setting our summer goals and not just doing the hokey-pokey all summer long and I would say for all of us that has been a challenge.  I'm usually on plan until I get stressed and last week was very stressful (admittedly, most of it was created in my own head, see last weeks entry), and then I'd knock my own grandmother out the way to get to the carbs!

I did have a few highly starched meals but stayed away from the sugar which was a major accomplishment considering the 60th anniversary cake for my parents was not only covered in fondant the large foil tray it was on was draped with it for a folded satin effect...beautiful but deadly for a sugar addict!  I decided not to take any chances, the moment the cake had been served I cut all of excess away and threw it in the garbage....and then threw coffee grounds on top of it for good measure!  It was about the size of a volley ball so I was taking no chances.  My usual MO would have been to stash it way and then eat the whole thing once everyone had left.  So, even though the night before the party I got up at 1 am and threw up, I was able to work on my Try-A-Thon goal and somewhat change my response to the stress and calm myself down when I got back into bed.  Yes, I know that's a stretch but I'm going with it!

On Saturday my husband and I took 50 people on a bus to the New York State Fair Grounds to the Syracuse Nationals Vintage Car show....and the food vendors were every 10 feet!  Deep fried dough...really????   

This a picture of me and my lunch...a big honkin" turkey leg (not a deep fried gold fish as someone mentioned, haha).  My husband says pictures of me with large quantities of meat is starting to become a theme, meh, it could be worse.

To end off my week I was in Grimsby with relatives and out for yet another dinner.  My other-Mother always makes a delicious pie and usually even though I'm stuffed when we get back home after dinner I have to eat a couple of pieces of pie right away.  In fact I become obsessed with it until I do but this time was different.  Because dessert has been off of the menu for me I hardy gave the pie a thought except to think how great it felt not to be out of control and not be scarfing pie down which, of course,  ALWAYS lead to sneaking a dozen or so cookies right before bed.  A non-scale victory of huge proportions for me as this behaviour is about 45 years old!  Also, when I used to indulge in the pie and cookies, the next day I would always stop on my way home for a can of Pringles and a double chocolate bar, rationalizing that the next morning I would have to start my diet again and since I was already way off plan what harm would another little pig-out do?  We all know the answer to that question.  Today I thought about the chips and chocolate when I stopped for a stretch but it was relatively easy to say no and stick with a coffee. 

Before WW I would never have thought I could change my relationship with food to this degree.  I still overeat on occasion, or when I'm stressed, but they are slips, not slides, and surprisingly I'm okay with that, which now that I think of it is another non-scale victory.  I guess that means I'm developing my WWWWW's or .....Wonder Woman Weight Watcher Ways!

What Wonder Woman (or Man!) Weight Watcher Ways 
have you developed?  
I bet if you think about it you'd be surprised!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sometimes you feel like a nut.

This week is nuts for me.  It's nuts because for some reason I'm a nut maker.  Work, and visitors, and my parents 60th wedding anniversary and more work and more visitors, all of which mean two of my favourite things....lots cooking and cleaning...neither of which I am good at or enjoy!

I have decided my WW Try-A-Thon efforts this month will be in the form of trying new ways of "dealing" with all the nuts I create.

This week I will:
1. Not worry that I cannot vacuum 15 minutes before guests arrive and the moment I put the vacuum away our dog and cat will start shedding.
2. Accept that neither I, nor my husband, are gardeners...our grass is cut and our grounds are at least on the low-end of acceptability for company.
3. Accept that the deck that I scrubbed and power washed on Sunday has muddy dog prints on it again.
4. Be content the plans I have laid out for this week will happen...or not.
5. Be very grateful my family is coming together to celebrate Mom and Dad's 60th years together.
6. Work on being full of joy instead of full of self-induced nuts.

Today, I will bury my "nuts" and do some good....
and house work.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Once a Weight Watcher, always a Weight Watcher.

Because I'm a leader I don't often see the LT's that come in once a month for their weigh in but yesterday I was filling in as receptionist and got to catch up with E. who said I could share her story. I'm not often floored but she got me.

E. has been at goal for many years and has always seemed to me to be one of the lucky ones who "gets it" meaning gets what it takes to stay at goal.  She looked fabulous, as always, happy and friendly, as always.  And then I asked her how she's been and she said, "Well, 3 months ago I found out I had cancer and had a mastectomy, but it all went well and I feel great."  That news was upsetting, as it always is when you hear that someone has had cancer and we chatted about her experience.  E. mentioned that her weight had started to drop for seemingly no reason.  At first it was great, (once a Weight Watcher, always a Weight Watcher, right?) but she also knew something was wrong.

This is the part that floored me. After catching up it was time for weigh in and E. was suddenly anxious about getting on the scale and very seriously said, "Oh, I hope I haven't gained.".  And I, very unprofessionally, blurted out, "Gained?  Are you serious?  You just had mastectomy 2 months ago! Are you telling me that after having cancer you are still worried about whether or not your weight went up???"  Yup, floored.

And then we started laughing and agreed...once a Weight Watcher, always a Weight Watcher, even in the wake of cancer! We usually think that life threatening experiences forever change how we view everything else in our lives but E.'s story reminds us how deeply rooted our fear of the scale can be.

I want to thank E. for not only allowing me to share her story, but encouraging me to do so. As she continues her journey to live Beyond the Scale, I hope you find the strength to do so as well.  It's time, don't you think?