Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sometimes you feel like a nut.

This week is nuts for me.  It's nuts because for some reason I'm a nut maker.  Work, and visitors, and my parents 60th wedding anniversary and more work and more visitors, all of which mean two of my favourite things....lots cooking and cleaning...neither of which I am good at or enjoy!

I have decided my WW Try-A-Thon efforts this month will be in the form of trying new ways of "dealing" with all the nuts I create.

This week I will:
1. Not worry that I cannot vacuum 15 minutes before guests arrive and the moment I put the vacuum away our dog and cat will start shedding.
2. Accept that neither I, nor my husband, are gardeners...our grass is cut and our grounds are at least on the low-end of acceptability for company.
3. Accept that the deck that I scrubbed and power washed on Sunday has muddy dog prints on it again.
4. Be content the plans I have laid out for this week will happen...or not.
5. Be very grateful my family is coming together to celebrate Mom and Dad's 60th years together.
6. Work on being full of joy instead of full of self-induced nuts.

Today, I will bury my "nuts" and do some good....
and house work.

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