Wednesday 27 July 2016

My latest Try-A-Thon...breathing.

The inside of my head is one busy little piece of gray matter!  I know I'm a Chatty Cathy (1960's doll reference) on the outside but that's nothing compared to the chatter in my head.  And most of that chatter is useless and adds nothing but self-induced stress.  It has become one of my new Try-A-Thon's to quiet my mind, or at least cultivate a more peaceful one.

I tried meditating years ago and, in typical 25 year old Joanne fashion, decided to start with an hour and when I was incapable of lasting more than 5 minutes, I gave it up and added it to my list of failures. Now I don't worry about the length of time, which is a good thing because sometimes it's quite literally seconds, I just concentrate on being aware of my breath or when I'm walking I concentrate on how my body feels taking each step. If I feel my mind start to wander, I go to my happy place which is gratitude and I'm always happy to stay there for a while.  Quieting the chatter for a few minutes, or even seconds, several times a day can bring a calming effect to even the most hectic brain.

Because this journey of becoming our best selves is never ending and sometimes painful we must find a way to quiet all of the old stories and negative thoughts that are road blocks to our success.
Feeling stuck?  Try meditating.
 I suggest starting with way less than an hour!

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