Wednesday 10 August 2016

Blessed or Deprived?

Although I'm usually okay with not eating sweets because I know the havoc they wreak on my personal peace there are days when I really want an ice cream cone!  Especially when we've taken the dog to Sandbanks and we drive back home through Bloomfield where the Slickers Ice Cream store always has lined up out the door. It's easy to get a little "Oh woe is me" going on.

Some of you may be feeling the same way.  Being on WW doesn't mean that all your favourite high fat, high sugar foods are off the menu, but it does mean they are not on the menu every day and maybe not even every week.  And not being able to have them when ever we want can lead to feeling deprived.

The reason we feel deprived is because we have feelings about food.  Over our lives food has been woven into most of our events and since most events in our lives also bring about certain emotions it's easy to see how we've learned to attach emotion to our food instead of simply having food as fuel.

So once again we're looking at changing our minds.  I've said before that since I've given up sweets that I haven't lost any weight but that's because I have simply substituted high fat carbs for them.  But here's my change in thinking:  I don't feeling deprived (as much!) anymore, I choose to feel blessed because I haven't had a binge in over a year. And for me that is a record by a long shot.

Now because I am a sharer, I am going to share this here, and also if I don't do it here I will most likely blurt it out during a meeting!  This past week has been the most painful and stressful week of my life. My son Glenn's father past away very suddenly, while Glenn was in Greece.  The pain I have felt for my son is like no other I have ever experienced.  If ever there was a time to turn to sugar for comfort this is it, but I didn't.  Why?  For two reasons: I knew without a doubt if I started I would not stop and I knew without a doubt the sugar would not take the pain away.

My point in sharing this?  I want you to know that it is possible to get to a place where you can choose not to turn to junk food to ease your pain.  Even during this time I have chosen to feel blessed for many reasons.  I chose to feel blessed not because I am super enlightened and have all my crap together, I chose to feel blessed because it just feels better.  And that eases the pain.

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