Wednesday 7 November 2018

"Happiness is an inside job." William Arthur Ward

We're always saying, "I just want to be happy".  But what is happiness?  The dictionary defines it as a "state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy".  Contentment to intense joy?  Well, that's quite a leap! Between contentment and intense joy there are a whole host of amazing emotional states in which to live.  So why does it feel that happiness is always just out of reach?  We see it in others and yet it eludes us.  We have glimpses and rare moments but then it's gone.
Of course, when we feel unhappiness we can sit and stew in those juices all day!! Yup, guilty!  Don't we know as we stew away we're feeding the very feelings we hope to avoid? How?  Every time we wish something was different than it is we push happiness away and draw unhappiness closer.  Every time we relive the past we starve happiness and feed unhappiness.  Every time we think happiness will come once we're "fixed" we give unhappiness yet another foothold in our hearts.

Happiness eludes us because we don't nourish it and feed it when we Do feel it.  We don't enjoy it, revel in it or expect it. But most of all it eludes us because don't look for happiness where it lives, in everyday moments.  Every single solitary moment of each and every day presents us with a choice, the choice to find and feed the happiness and joy that particular moment has to offer or live yet another day of moments and never notice the possibility of happiness they might hold for us.

When I was little apparently I was a very dramatic child.  My Mother always told me I was " either flying high or in the depths of despair".  Seems about right.  She used to tell me that to be happy I had to "make the best of every moment and then I would have the very best that moment could give me."   At 6 years old I had no idea what she was talking about.

But now I get it.  The engineer of my happiness is me and I don't have to go looking for it.  It's an inside job that only requires that I pay attention to the bits and pieces of happiness and joy in my daily moments, feed them with my love and gratitude and then watch them flourish.

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