Wednesday 25 March 2020

Just a few things we can do right now.

Yesterday I crushed an entire box of WW Tortilla Sea Salt Chips (yes 5 bags) and mixed them with a whole can of tuna and a not so small dollop of mayo. I wish I could say I was stress eating just because of current events but the fact is my stress eating triggers can be set off from something as insignificant, and vain, as my hair “not going right”. But yesterday was not my hair, not my weight, not grief, not work, yesterday was fear. And as much as I try to be logical about COIVD-19, it’s scary. But I’m not overly scared about contracting the virus, my fear stems from how quickly we can lose our humanity. That’s truly scary and it’s a fear that’s new to many of us here in Canada. What is not new to most of us is how we deal with stress; we self medicate with food.
So what can we do? This is what we can do:
-Stay connected with your Tribes. As much as it can be argued excessive social media is destroying true human connection now is the time to use it. Ignore the fear mongering garbage and write encouraging posts to your family and friends. Or call a neighbour and ask them how they’re doing.
-You are not alone. Get WW support by posting on our FB pages. Write about how you’re being affected and how you’re feeling. Chances are if you’re feeding your stress others are as well and we can help relieve that stress other by sharing.
-Put your phone on the counter while you’re reading or watching Netflix. After chatting with my son yesterday I left my phone on the counter and checked it only twice the rest of the day and my stress/fear level dropped considerably because I wasn’t feeding it every 10 minutes.
-Get outside and get some fresh air and enjoy the abundant sunshine. Although we’ve been encouraged to practice social distancing stepping outside even in your back yard or on your balcony can help you feel less isolated.
-Put on your favourite music and dance. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to be stressed while you’re dancing! Rack up those activity points and endorphins!
-Focus on what you’ve learned in WW so far. Each and everyone of us has adopted healthy ways that are second nature so we don’t even realize we’re doing them. I neglected to mention that I did not eat the entire Tortilla Tuna mixture yesterday so I will be mixing it lettuce for lunch and I predict it will be delicious! Before WW I would have eaten the whole thing regardless of whether or not I was hungry. Time to rock our Non-Scale Victories!
-If you do stress eat, track it and let it go.
-Practice self-care without guilt.
-Become part of the solution and work our humanity by being loving, kind, patient, gracious, and generous. Smile at everyone you meet.
-Take time to just breath and be grateful. This too shall pass. ❤️❤️❤️

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