Friday 12 June 2020

“Whatever the present moment contains, embrace it as if you had chosen it.” Eckhart Tolle

“Embrace: to accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically”. If ever we WW members needed to embrace what it takes to have success in our personal goals, it is now.  Believe me, I understand it’s not easy, but I also understand it’s necessary.  While it is true WW is a plan that involves portion control, tracking and mindset, for me, it has always been about connecting with my community, my people, my tribe; the people who get me.  And as long as I regularly connect with my people, I find it easier to keep my portion control, tracking and mindset in alignment with my goals.  When I lose connection with my people, I also tend to lose my focus and fall back into old habits. 

I know you want to get back into our studios.  I know many of you are not tech savvy or not into Zoom.  I know many of you spend a lot of your working day on Zoom so the last thing you want to do is another Zoom meeting. I know many of you find the initial curiosity you had for Zoom waning so you might feel like you’re not getting what you need.  I get it, at one point or another I’ve felt exactly the same.  We are all so very over the COVID-19 lifestyle!

I talk to a lot of people each week and I hear a lot of stories. Most of these stories fall into one of two categories: those who are willing to embrace what they need to do to be successful in their WW plan during the pandemic and those who are waiting until it’s over.  I don’t judge, I really don’t, I know everyone is just doing the best they can these days and embracing what is can be challenging. However, I do believe when we embrace what we need to do we are graced with the power acceptance brings! I believe it because I’m living it and receiving that grace.  I believe it because I see it, and hear it, every time I connect with workshop members; those who embrace the virtual workshops are getting the support they need and are finding success.  The support is there, it may arrive in a different package and it may feel different but the possibility is the same, you just have to “embrace it as if you had chosen it”.  Their willingness to embrace “whatever the present moment contains” energizes their resolve to continue to live their best life no matter the circumstances.

I really do get it.  Do you know how hard it is for me to stay in my chair while coaching?  Haha, it’s so hard and I miss being in the same room with everyone!  I want to be looking at you all from the front of our studio, soaking in the collective energy so I can reflect it back to your magnificent faces!  And someday that will happen again, but not today, not this week, not this month.  So, for now, and in whatever way that looks to for you, let’s accept what is and embrace it. We are in this together and we will move through it together.
“You can’t argue with what is, well you can, but if you do, you suffer” Eckhart Tolle

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