Monday 15 January 2024

Here I go again, or back at it, or If Not Now, When?

It's January 15, just about the time when we realize our goal to get back on track after the holidays is about 2 weeks overdue! I really miss WW, well what WW used to be. I miss coaching and connecting with people. I miss being with my people. I miss "using" you all as my incentive to get back on track...haha.
My last blog post was July 16, 2023. At that time I was all gung-ho to "live and enjoy my life in the jeans that fit!" I went to therapy. I worked on self-acceptance. I had some breakthroughs. I gained weight. I bought new clothes. I worked harder on self-acceptance. I had more breakthroughs. I gained weight. I bought new clothes. Can you see a pattern here? I'm very happy with my progress in self-acceptance but so NOT happy with my weight! And yes, I realize that is a step backwards in the self-acceptance department. And that's okay, it's part of my journey.
I'm in Fort Myers for three months at Pelican Sound Golf and River Club. Yup, it is a chi-chi-poo-poo adult sports camp. This may be (absolutely is!) a generalization but rich women are really thin and all athletic-like. I have a feeling these are not my people; I'm not rich, thin or athletic. I have another feeling: it is all in my mind. Of course it's all in my mind! All of the ladies I've met are very nice and very welcoming and not all of them are thin and athletic, so feeling like I don't belong is on me; and is my work to do, not theirs.
Last October I joined Curves Kingston and once again found my people! I kid you not, going for my 35 minute circuit workout felt like going to a WW meeting, except everyone was exercising! And just like WW, everyone was working at their own pace in a safe, no judgement zone. I really miss it, especially since I don't play golf, pickleball, tennis or swim. And because of plantar fasciitis even my daily walks are out for now. Luckily there is a fitness centre with recumbent bikes and weight machines so I've committed to going 4 or 5 times a week and creating my own Curves workout. And happily, at the times I go so do my people: the not so fit and/or over 80 year old crowd!

Last week Mike, the fitness center director, who reminds me of Jack LaLanne, sent out an email with The 10lb Weight Loss Challenge. There is a $20 entry fee which goes into a pot, and private weekly weigh-ins with him. At the end of the challenge, roughly 8 weeks, those who have lost at least 10lbs will split the pot. I immediately thought, "Oh hell no!" I am not a competitive person; I never did any of the WW challenges. My fear of failure has always been so strong that I have avoided challenges my whole life. And so, for that very reason, I have decided to join the challenge. I need the accountability and I want to face my fear of failure. Plus my son Glenn is getting married in August and I'm so vain that I want to look good in the wedding pictures, so there's that! So off to the fitness centre I go to get my Curves-like workout in AND to have my initial weigh-in for the Weight Loss Challenge. Yes, the very thought of it is bringing on a stress induced hot flash but my vanity wins!


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