Saturday 15 March 2014

"If not now, when?"

I named this blog, "If not now, when?" because, unfortunately, I can apply that to the way I've lived most my life.  I heard "if not now, when" on some Oprah show and it hit me like a ton of bricks...."If not NOW, when???".  At the time I was avoiding exercising so it really made me think.  It didn't make me get off of the couch, but, man did it make me think!  Also, have been thinking of a way to connect with my members outside of meetings but procrastinated on that too...until "now".  Having never blogged before, I'm not sure how this will go but, what the hell, if it doesn't work I can stop obsessing about it and move on to something else.
For those of us who live a fear based life, I think procrastination is just how we put off what we're sure will be our inevitable failure. Isn't that cheery?  My motto was, "If I never try, at least I will never fail".  Luckily for me, something happened the day I turned 50.  I had the worst birthday ever.  And what a blessing that turned out to be.  It was like being slapped with a big "Get over it, Nobody Cares, You'll Be Dead Soon Anyway So Stop Wasting Time" sign....I mean it was a big freakin' sign. It could have said "If not now, when?" but I wouldn't have got it.  Now, 3 years later, I get it. I get it and I so desperately want you, my amazing members, to get it as well.
Members are all different, yet all the same.  We all have the same goal: to lose weight.  But losing weight is more than "eat this, move that".  It takes involving and committing your whole being to working the plan daily and consistently and that's way harder than it sounds.  Our meetings end with members re-committed, re-energized and re-focused...all of which last until about 15 minutes after the meeting.  I know, it was the same for me. 
Our meetings are a life-line to us all.  We connect with each other through our pain and our triumph.  I hope this blog can be another life-line.  Somewhere you can share your thoughts, fears and pain, and certainly your triumphs, with your team, anytime, anywhere....when you need it.  And through re-connecting with your team, reconnect with those wonderful feelings we all have after our meetings.  "If not now, when?".

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