Wednesday 19 March 2014

The definition of insanity...

I know it.  I've known it for years: my body does not do well with starch, of any kind.  So why after many, many years of avoiding popcorn have I decided it was OK to start eating it again?  The simple answer: a large quantity of it is still relatively low in points and I love to mindlessly eat large quantities (3 huge bowls) of crunchy snack foods.

I tell myself it's "one of the good one's" so it must be OK.  It is one of the "good one's" but I truly believe one must always, ALWAYS, know thyself.  And I know myself-thyself does not do well with starch but I eat it anyway expecting my body will finally realize it's "one of the good one's" and will shed the weight I gained on my holidays.  The weight, coincidentally, I gained by eating popcorn and chips (and beer:)).  And that says Albert Einstein is the definition of insanity:  "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".  What a relief to know what's wrong with me:)

I'm going back to working the plan the way I did in the beginning (when I lost weight)...lots of fruits, veggies, some lean protein and low fat dairy.  I used some of my 49 points on the weekend for a controlled amount of starch (1 bag of Mini Crisps or 1 bag of Pop Chips...1 bag!!!).  I controlled my intake by controlling the amount I brought into the house...1 bag.  Another thing I know about myself is that a serving of popcorn/chips is defined by the amount I have in the house.

Are you the same?  Do you KNOW something about yourself and how your body works that you don't want to accept?  If you do, it may be the reason you are not losing weight or yo-yoing.

But here's the happy, happy, joy, joy thing for me!  I was happy, so happy, working the plan in the beginning. Why? I lost weight.  I felt in control for the first time in years.  My body was humming and I felt great!  I want that back. What do you want?

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