Wednesday 21 May 2014

So, did you notice anything upon your reflection??

I reflect daily, hourly and, if there was such a word...minute-ly.  Yup, here's what reflecting over the past week has shown me: I need to lighten up!  I tend to think if I obsess about my problems they will go away. But that's not true is it?  How do I know that's not true?  Because I've been obsessing about food and my weight for 43 years and I'm still a slave to it!!! Well, that's not quite true, I am much better at managing my thoughts, obsessive and otherwise, so now when I start to obsess I think of this Tony Robbins quote: 
 "Identify your problems but focus on the solutions."
I practice turning my negative, obsessive, and ultimately destructive, thoughts into gentle, kind and positive thoughts with forward moving actions.  For example, I`ve identified a re-occurring problem of mine I like to call "Gateway Eating"; consuming foods that have always lead to uncontrollable binge eating!  For me, it`s anything white...white sugar, white flour, pasta etc.  When I`m in the WW zone, I can, and do, avoid these foods like the plague because my wise self knows the consequences.  But some days, hormonal days for sure, I can convince myself that eating the bun of my hamburger will be fine this time (Insane, you say? Yup.) That's what happened to me this past Sunday.  I had decided to use my 49 points for a lovely Steak Machine burger and normally would forgo the bun.  Even my husband looked at me as I ate the bun and asked if that was wise?  I assured him I would be fine.  Well, that "Gateway Bun" lead to making, and eating, a huge bowl, and I'm talking mixing bowl huge, of raw oatmeal, chocolate protein powder, peanut butter and lots of honey.....all before I took my sick upset stomach to bed.  Oh, and then I repeated it again the next day (because that's my pattern) but used canola oil instead of peanut butter.  At least I used a good oil:(

So what can I do?  I can obsess and beat myself up over it and swear it will never happen again, which would also be insane thinking on my part OR I can choose to accept it and identify the trigger and adjust. The trigger: our band played the night before, got 3 hours of sleep before dog James got us up. Then left the house to take him to the dog park WITHOUT a big proper healthy snack so I was STARVING, and really tired, by the time we visited Grandma so I (Oh ya, forgot about the first Gateway Food) shoved a bunch (8?) of stale cookies into my mouth before I even sat down....and it went downhill from there.
The solutions?  1. Be in tune with your body: when it's tired, our ability to make good choices drops drastically!  2. Important WW routine:  Pack a large on-Plan snack (and liquids) if you're tired.  3.  Get a good nights sleep and get back on track the next morning.

So how did your week go?  Did you reflect and adjust your actions if needed?  Were you pleasantly surprised at some of the amazing changes you've made?  I can honestly say I'm happy with my week wasn't all that long ago that my little weekend episode would have led to weeks, or even months, off track. Now that's progress wouldn't you say??? :)

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