Wednesday 30 July 2014

Life is an echo...

This week at WW we're talking about "the ripple" effect and we're all familiar with how 1 potato chip can turn into an entire bag and beyond!  But this week we're going to focus on the positive ripple effects of the good habits and changes we all work so hard on.  Focus on the positive, we become what we practice most.

I came across the Chinese proverb below and thought it fitted in perfectly with the ripple effect.  If you doubt this to be true, think of someone who YOU think has the world by the tail.  Now think about how that person moves through their life......grateful? giving? forgiving? happy? inspiring? lighthearted? joyful? optimistic? open minded? encouraging? embracing? loving? accepting? peaceful?   
You can be that person too!  "Life is an echo, what you send out comes back" is so inspiring because each and everyone of us sends out an echo many, many times a day, and here's the great thing, we have the power to change it if we realize we've been sending out the wrong one!

Listen to your echo, what are you sending out?  Are you happy with it?  If you're not, take a close look at the messages you're sending with your actions, words and demeanor.  Are they....grateful? giving? forgiving? happy? inspiring? lighthearted? joyful? optimistic? open minded? encouraging? embracing? loving? accepting? peaceful?  If not, pick one and try it, I KNOW you will be pleasantly surprised because remember the whole echo thing?  Yup, right back at you!


Jackie said...

I remember this lesson all too well. A lot has changed since, in a very positive way.

Joanne Hartman said...

Me too! I think we all have this in common, maybe some just haven't realized it yet.:)