Tuesday 8 July 2014

What inspires you?

When I started to make a list of what inspired me it became very evident that I'm inspired by people.  Don't get me wrong I marvel at sunsets, humming birds and art as much as the next person but here's what came out of my brain and in no specific order of importance.

1.  People who take life as it comes and make the best of it. -  This trait has always impressed and, until very recently, eluded me.  My Great-Aunt Eva was a master.  She used to say "Well, we just won't worry about it" and she didn't.  She was the most content person I've ever known and some days, don't you just want to be content?

2.  People who get that "this is it, this is our one and only life" and live it as such. - We all say "this is not a dress rehearsal" but to see someone who actually lives full on is truly inspiring.  Perhaps it's because the "I'm on" energy they exude is contagious.

3. People who live fearlessly. - This is a HUGE goal of mine. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."  It really boils down to a fear of failure, doesn't it?  Im workin' on it.

4. People who live a purpose driven life. - I am in awe of those who know the reason for their existence. And here's the super, fantastic thing about this one that I'm slowly grasping: you don't have to be Oprah! There is no right or wrong, better or worse, too big or too little purpose.  All that really matters is that it's your purpose and it drives you!  

5. People who start a new career or embark on a life changing journey....at 50! - So inspired by those with the confidence and chutzpah (personal confidence or courage that allows someone to do or say things that may seem shocking to others) to step out from their comfort zone and go for it when society tells them to just pay off their mortgage and save for retirement.

6. Unwavering belief, and acceptance, that life is as it should be. - This a big concept to wrap ones head around but, wow, I am inspired to continue to get my head wrapped! 

7. People who can let it go, and honestly, move on. - Seriously, what a way to live your life!

8. People who are passionate about something/anything in their life. - The great thing about this one is that it doesn't matter what the passion is directed towards!  The mere action of being passionate about something brings meaning and fulfillment into ones life. And there's a good chance you'll make others happy in the process. 

9. Perseverance - This one is practiced by everyone who inspires me!..."continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure or opposition".  To the WW members who commit, and recommit, to their personal weight loss goals week after week, your perseverance and dedication is what keeps me going! Thank you, thank you.

10.  People who choose to be kind....key word: choose 

11. My Son:
-This kid (man) lives fearlessly! And for that I am so grateful.  He knows what he wants and is not afraid to go for it.  He succeeded and he's failed but has never wavered in his belief of his abilities. Again, so grateful even though this trait skipped a generation.
-He gets, actually GETS, that this is it, and lives accordingly (and doesn't call and ask for money to fund this life).
-He chooses to be kind. - Perhaps only my son will understand how much this inspires me.

12.  My dog:  I cannot help but be inspired by our super dog James...his zest for life is unequaled!
- he takes life as it comes and if it comes with a ball stuffed with peanut butter, all the better
-he has a passion for balls, of all sorts
-believes life is as is should be....full of love, running and, of course....balls
We could all learn from our furry friends and family members! 

And last (but not least, I just happen to have a image to go with this one), 
I am inspired by people who believe age is just a number...
especially as my number gets higher! 
So, what inspires you???

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