Monday 30 June 2014

Relax, manage and enjoy!

This week think about letting go of control, relaxing into your new life style through management. When we refuse to relax and accept the reality of our lives we're actually setting up all sorts of doors, windows and road blocks to our happiness and success.  I believe a successful life is all about management.  For years, and years, I'd tried to control EVERYTHING and failed miserably.  I now realize it was not because I didn't try hard enough, it was because it was not my job to control, it was my job to manage. Control and management may seem like the same action, and they can indeed create similar outcomes on certain situations, but only one of them can leave you in a peaceful, doors-wide-open, state if things don't work out as hoped or planned which is sometimes the case in life.

So which are you in your life, a Controller or a Manager?  

Do you work fiercely with a do or die attitude with your happiness hinging on a perfect outcome?  Or do you decide what you want, make your best plan and strive to execute it to the best of your ability with your happiness securely in place and not based on the outcome?  
Which of these methods do you think will bring peace to your life?

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