Wednesday 25 June 2014

Tools of the you use ALL of the tools in your toolbox?

Every task has it's own set of "tools" and losing weight is no different.  You wouldn't expect to build a house with just a screw driver right?  Of course not and we can't expect to build our weight loss with just one tool either.  If you've been at this for any length of you time you will no doubt have figured out just working part of the plan is not enough.  Certain times and events require different tools...which brings us to BBQ TIME!

BBQ....three letters that simultaneously fill us with joy and dread!  BBQ's, in most of our minds, mean grilled meats, several mayonaisy salads, potato chips and booze and lot's of it! mouth is watering already....and I won't go into the dessert menu....sorry about that!  

Whenever I think of going to a BBQ and trying to "fit" the hosts menu into my daily PPV's I just laugh...not going to happen.  So I have 2 choices: go off (way off, like Albuquerque, New Mexico off)  Plan OR take at least 2 Plan friendly dishes myself.  I have learned, and accepted, that I cannot resist gorging on the BBQ food. So I take food I can fill up on first and then am able to make much better choices.  Rather simple but it works.

And there are plenty of Plan friendly recipes...they're in your tool box, didn't you see them?  They're right along side of "eat some protein before you go", "drink lots of water", "earn extra activity points", "write down YOUR planned menu", "save your 49" many tools!  Oh, and don't forget one of our most effective tools "want power"!  How do you WANT your summer weight loss to go?

So, enjoy your summer, plan your summer and lose the weight!  
And, of course, never leave home without your tool box!  

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