Tuesday 10 June 2014

“I am a lover of what is, not because I'm a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality.” Bryon Katie

I love, love this, because I've learned, with a wee bit o'practice mind you, to accept, if not always "love", what is.  What a relief and release it is to let it go!  

I used to argue with reality all the freakin' time! And I just realized I still do when it comes to my weight loss journey.  I argue that my weight should be going down because I'm working the Plan.  But here's the reality:  I am working the Plan and my weight is not going down.  Bam...reality.  

But here's the difference now.  In the past I would sink into a self loathing depression, give up and eat even more (sound familiar?).  But when you learn to accept and love what is, stop obsessing and blaming, you have a whole lot more time to think positive thoughts!  Seriously, obsessing and blaming are time suckers!  So now, I still keep trying and working the Plan BUT with a true happiness and lightheartedness that is fueling me with positive energy....energy that I'm able to use to sustain my weight loss efforts until such time as I start to lose again.  Bam...more reality!

How does accepting what is allow you to be happy?  Well, I'm not an expert but this is how I see it.  If reality is "the world or the state of things as they actually exist" then no amount of wishing, wanting or manipulating on my part is going to change it.  So, if it is impossible for me to change the reality of a situation, why continue wasting my precious, and not unlimited, energy continually going down that dead end road?  Do you KNOW how much energy it takes to wish, want and manipulate???  Of course you know exactly what I'm talking about....the energy we use trying to change what cannot be changed is HUGE!!!  And because reality cannot be changed, we can NEVER be successful, which is very painful. And that pain weighs us down and robs us of the chance to live lightheartedly and happily.  Once you truly try to accept "what is" something inside you happens: lightheartedness.  I use the word "lightheartedness" because that's what happens to me. When the "thing" that I'd like to change comes to mind, I no longer obsess and blame, but rather acknowledge and let go.  I acknowledge that I still want to lose weight but I accept that it may not happen at this time (menopause, hormones leaping off of cliffs etc).  Then I choose to reap all the other benefits of eating well and exercising and then BAM....lightheartedness walks in the door!

Remember, accepting "what is" doesn't mean giving up or giving in, in fact the exact opposite. Accepting "what is" allows you to see the situation as it truly is.  You can't change the reality of a situation but you can change your attitude towards the situation.  In the case of weight loss changing your current negative attitude may be the kick start you need. Nurturing a positive attitude will fill you with a renewed energy that you can use to get you back in the game!  And you be able to work on your goal light of heart.  Which can make you happy!!!  Yay!!!

So, I encourage you to accept and, yes even love, what is.  It just may be the missing piece of your personal happiness puzzle!

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