Wednesday 18 June 2014

Be nice to yourself.....ALL of the time!

"The words we speak set the course for our lives.  If you want to know where you are going to be in five years, listens to the words you are saying about yourself today."  Joel Osteen

Right now my dog-child James is laying at my feet and when I think of him all sorts of words come to fact I tell him he's not just super but ALL of the super's....super smart, super cute, super sweet, super ball catcher, super fast, super noser, super banana get the idea!  We're always saying "Good Boy/Girl", "Aren't you smart?" to our dogs, cats, horses and hamsters.  Why?  Because we love them and  we know our positive reinforcement encourages them to repeat positive behavior plus it makes their tails wag in happiness!  I have never once said to myself how super I am.  Why not?

The power of words is immeasurable. So here's my question for us all:  When you've had a not so Plan friendly week, what words to you use to describe yourself?  Dumb, stupid and useless?  Those are just mine, yours may be different.  Why do we do that?  If a fellow member said to you they had a disastrous week and was totally off Plan, would you slap them upside the head and call them stupid?  Of course you wouldn't!  You'd comfort them, share their pain and tell them not to give, that next week will be better. 

Do we really think by berating ourselves that our behavior will change?  Most of us have been scolded by for doing something wrong or to stop inappropriate behavior.  When it was about not touching a hot stove or darting out into traffic, well,  that was helpful.  But were you ever scolded for taking another piece of cake or bowl of ice cream?  Told to "leave a few chips in the bag for the rest of us"?  Did it stop you from having another piece of cake, bag of chips or tub of ice cream?  No.  We were so hurt by those comments that we needed comfort... so we ate another piece of cake, bag of chips or tub of ice cream. See how that works? 

Always be as nice to yourself as you are to your dog, cat, horse or hamster!  Your inner tail will wag:)


Anonymous said...

Awesomely said! Well I think you are Super Joanne, you are a fantastic leader, a great speaker and an overall lovely person, your tail should be wagging all the time!
Darlene L

Joanne Hartman said...

Thank you Darlene! You are Super too! Your weekly presence at the meetings as an at goal member is a super example of how to play the game and win! I love that you get it..."they don't call Lifetime for nothin'!" Joanne