Tuesday 3 June 2014

What to do if you feel like quitting, or at least, here's what I do!

As a WW leader it always makes my so sad when I hear one of our members say they feel like quitting.  It makes me sad and I absolutely feel the some way some days!  Honestly I'm having a lot of those feelings lately.  Why?  Well, I'm sure for the very same reasons you feel like quitting..."I'm not losing weight even though I am working the plan to the very best of my ability."  Like you, I am totally accepting of any weight gain when I'm off the wagon because I KNOW why....yup, wings, chips and beer etc:) It's the not knowing WHY that frustrates me to no end.  I follow the plan, eat all, but not more than, my daily PPV's in lean protein, low fat dairy, veggies and fruit (keep my fruit to 3), exercise daily, drink my water, keep my starchy carbs to an absolute minimum...and yes, I know I'm preaching to the choir.

So, what to do?  Quit?  Well, for me quitting is never an option, remember I've been working at this since Grade 6!  And that does not make me super-woman.  I don't quit because this is something I do KNOW....I KNOW, without a shadow of doubt, if I quit I will stop my freakin'-annoying-but-not-gaining-holding-pattern and start gaining weight...very rapidly.  Sound familiar?

So, now what do I do?  What I do now, what I CHOOSE to do now, is accept "what is" and keep working the plan...and damn it, do it with gratitude!  Choosing to accept "what is" and focusing my energy on gratitude I'm giving myself the absolute very best chance to be successful.  This, I KNOW to be true.  And I know the Plan offers me so much more than weight loss.  My body may be clinging to some body fat but it's humming with the healthy nutrients I give it each day and that I know is worth my efforts.  

I started accepting "what is" a few years back and, wow, what a game changer it was!  I used to believe I could control the outcome of situations if I just worked hard enough and never gave up.  What a hard, hard lesson for me to learn that not all things were within my control and that I had to learn to accept "what is" or continue to be miserable...took me YEARS to get that one!  But when I got it, wow, what a release of tension and anxiety.  By accepting the things I could not change (ummm, sounds like a line in a 12 step program) I freed myself from putting my focus and energy on things that were not mine to change.

Things I cannot change:  I'm 53, I'm going through menopause and most of my hormones have fallen off a cliff.
Things I can change:  Being unhappy about: being 53, going through menopause and my dead hormones. 

Does any of this sound like what you're going through?  What are you going to choose to do? Will you choose to gratefully accept "what is" and focus your energy on working the plan?  Focus on the many benefits eating and living a healthy life give you?  I hope that is exactly what you choose to do because then you will be getting the very best your current weight "situation" can give you.  And that's pretty good isn't it?

This is very true, don't you think????


Anonymous said...

Oh Joanne, so well said girl! Quitting should never be an option and I hope you never do. We can get stuck sometimes and that is not always a bad thing. The mind is so powerful and sometimes we do not realize this, be happy!
Darlene L

Joanne Hartman said...

You're absolutely right Darlene, when we get stuck we should use that time to examine the true source of our stickiness! Quite often it's not what we think it is. Thank you for always being so positive and setting such a wonderful example of what living at goal can be!