Wednesday 20 August 2014

If you hate starting over, stop quitting....:)

How many times have you stopped working the program because... it's just not working?  It's too hard?  It's never ending?  It costs too much?  You're tired of the routine? You're tired of lettuce?

And how many times after stopping the program have you thought, "I need to get back to WW!!"?  How long did it take you to walk back in through those doors?  Were you embarrassed?  Was your weight up? Did you ever start back and your hadn't gained most or all of the weight back? Were you back to ALL of your old unhealthy habits?  Were you unhappy and angry with yourself for quitting the program, again?  How many times have you thought,  "I just don't want to have to start ALL over again."?  How many times? Seriously, how many times??

If you're like me you've had a life time of starting and stopping, years of weight up and weight down, countless negative thoughts about how you've failed...yet again.  Do you want to be done with all that?  Here's how... stop quitting.  If you hate starting over, then stop quitting!  Never give up. 

It finally dawned on me that it never never, never, never, EVER ends!  We don't call it Lifetime for nothin"!  And, yes, it's still an effort but it's truly GLORIOUS because it means you have changed!  You've changed your destructive behavior, changed your negative thoughts, changed your unhealthy've changed your life!

Now, I know you're thinking, "What if I never give up, keep on working the plan but don't reach Lifetime?" What if that happens, what does that mean?  What it means is that you have not reached the goal weight you've set and maintained it for 6 weeks, that's all.  It does not mean that you're not healthier, thinner, and happier!  You're more fit, more accepting, more positive and you're "inside numbers" are singing! 

I can almost guarantee all those wonderful health benefits
would not be yours if you quit.

AND finally...
 Never, EVER, be embarrassed to walk into a meeting,
for the first time or for the hundredth time,
it is a place where you are loved, accepted and understood.


Anonymous said...

For me WW keeps everything in check and what better plan can you ask for to become a lifetime member and not have to pay. That has to be the most positive incentive to never quit. I like the idea that that I get a little poke when I need it upon weigh in, that keeps me on the right path and the meetings are so encouraging. Darlene L

Joanne Hartman said...

You're right Darlene, staying on track by weighing in and coming to meetings...that you don't have to pay for!! the name of the game when it comes to keeping the weight off. And having your friends give you that little poke makes it ok! :)