Wednesday 27 August 2014

"Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breathe!"

Some days suck.  Period!  Those are the days when being kind to yourself and just taking a breath is the best medicine.  It doesn't mean (sorry!) that we drown our selves in food and liquor, ha, ha....(however, it may be a good day to use your extra food and activity points and not feel guilty about it:)

On days when you feel the life being sucked right out of you, pause, take a breath and then zap those sucky horrible feelings by reflecting and be thankful and grateful....yes, thankful AND grateful.  Being thankful and grateful for who you are and what you already have will heal your soul faster than any amount of food!  And zero Points Plus Value's! kind to someone else.  When we acknowledge someone else's pain and upset, it's like the window we opened to help nurse their pain lets in a fresh restorative air that flows over us.  It's not that their sadness cheers us up, it's that the sharing, and caring, of another's strife lightens the load for all involved.

Maya Angelou said it best....

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