Tuesday 14 October 2014

Change is the name of the game!

The degree to which any of us succeed is directly tied to the amount we are willing to change, and just in case you're wondering, yes, that goes for weight loss too!  The ONLY way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to change.

And to do that we have to accept: 

We have to accept that change takes action....consistent, daily action.
We have to accept it won't happen overnight.   
We have to accept that some days will be more difficult than others and it will be work.
We have to accept that we have to change our relationship with food. 
We have to accept that we have to take step #1 or we will never get to step #2.

And to do all that we have to believe:

We have to believe we can change.
We have to believe that change will be better than staying the same.
We have to believe it won't always be hard.
We have to believe in the power of our community.
We have to believe the changes will become second nature.
We have to believe it will be worth our efforts.
We have to believe we are worth it!

Believe you are ready to change!


Anonymous said...

Well I missed you this week and may miss you next, Jackie did a good job, the group was rather quiet , I hate bragging so I was quiet too! She read your blog so we felt your presence. That powerfull word again, believe....I read an inspirational story recently about a man who was told by doctors he would never walk again without aid, he became depressed and gained a lot of weight and ended up in a wheelchair. Til one day a yoga instructor believed in him and he started doing yoga and lost 100lbs and is running today because he started to believe in himself and changed his life. Wow!

Joanne Hartman said...

Wow, what a prime example of what belief can do! Imagine, he believed he couldn't walk and he was right. Another reason why we should be so careful with our words...to ourselves and to others.
And on another note: never think (believe!) that talking about yourself is bragging because your intent is always to help or motivate another member!