Tuesday 21 October 2014

Did you know losing weight is hard???

I sometimes think I do you, my members,  a disservice.  Knowing the hard challenges you all must face in order to lose weight I just want to make it easier and seem so very doable so you won't give up!  I hope that motivating you and cheering you on will be enough...but it isn't.  I think I've neglected to make it clear that losing weight and keeping it off is damn hard work!  I've been so afraid of scaring you away that maybe I've left you thinking, "This should be easy, why can't I do this??"

In last weeks blog I said we have to "accept it's going to be hard" and I want to expand on that thought. We have to accept it's not going to be a piece of cake, literally....no cake, and that it will require work!  Then we need to let that reality rattle around and marinate in our brain until it feels right and not overwhelming. When it feels right, that's when you know you've moved to acceptance. 

Once you've accepted hard work will be required to make your goal come true, you will start to feel motivated to make the necessary changes!  Why?  Because as long as we fight against acceptance we're putting a brick wall between us and success....."what we resist, will persist".  

 Think about accepting the hard work.  
Think about doing the hard work....bit by little bit.  
Think about the rewards from the hard work.
Think that one day the hard work won't be hard work...
it will simply be the way you now do things!

Acceptance, a great place to live...trust me!

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