Monday 24 November 2014

Snacks: Friend or Foe? Or both?

We all know one thing for sure:  When we get hungry, we eat!  That's why one of the most important routines we practice is packing a snack.  We know if we don't have a tasty, and satisfying, snack within reach when the snack attack happens we will land on the nearest eatable object and take it out totally mindless of the consequences!   OK, that may be a bit melodramatic but I daresay there is not one among us that truthfully say that has never happened to them. :)

I think the following is a true statement:  We have scheduled snacks to avoid unscheduled snacking. 
Have you ever thought of it that way?  The difference between the two is the control in which we carry them out.  Our scheduled snack is thoughtfully planned to meet our bodies nutritional requirements and help keep from, heaven forbid, getting too hungry.  The unscheduled snack can be an emotional response or a sensory response, both of which take our good WW sense and throw it out the window!

So, what to do, what to do?  We all know from years of experience the snack attack is not going away. But what we can do is minimize it's control over us.  The first way, of course, is having our plan friendly snack ALWAYS on hand: a satisfied stomach is the first line of defense, it gives our brains that much needed minute to pause and make a better choice.

But what happens when you've had your apple and cheese (fiber, protein and fat) with a nice cup of tea and your co-worker brings in the Christmas Cookie Exchange tray??  Ahhhh! The oh-so delectable tray of sugar!  Key word here is sugar.  This is often the kind of situation where no amount of apples, banana, cheese, almonds etc will win the day. This is where you have to pull our your most powerful, and perhaps a bit rusty, tool...your brain power! Your brain possesses the strength to deal with the most tempting sugar-laced-I'll-make-you-happy-because-I'm-your-best-friend-morsel. You just have to practice using it like you practice all the other routines. 

A great way is to combine your knowledge with your want power.  For example:  I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I cannot have 1 sugar-laced-I'll-make-you-happy-because-I'm-your-best-friend morsel.  Not one.  One, always, ALWAYS, leads to the entire tray, box or bag.  Always.  Always. And from our conversations I know many of you are the same. Maybe the only difference between us is that I have finally accepted that fact.  If you accept the fact that you are powerless over sugar, perhaps you will start seeing it in a different light.  How do you think you would look at that cookie tray if you accepted that for you it's not just a sugar-laced-I'll-make-you-happy-because-I'm-your-best-friend-morsel but the first step into a painful bout of self-loathing causing you to lose sight of your goal?  That may be putting it a bit strongly, or, if you're like me, it may be exactly true.

So, if you know 1 is not an option, does that mean you have no indulgences at all???  Absolutely not!!  All of us, thank goodness, have indulgences that can be "one and done".  Indulgences that don't lead to more, more, more.  For me it is something high fat, no sugar. Something I can buy a controlled amount, enjoy, track and be done.  Or have in a restaurant...order, eat, track, go home.  What is your one-and-done indulgence?

Now we get to the want power!  When the sugar-laced-I'll-make-you-happy-because-I'm-your-best-friend-morsel enters you personal space, use your want power in conjunction with what you know to be true about your relationship with sugar.  Do you want to stay in control?  Use that!  Do you want to feel good about yourself?  Use that!  Do you want to keep moving toward your goal and not away from it?  Use that!  Know what you want, truly want, and use it.  Using you brain power and your want power together puts you in the position of power.  And that's better than sugar.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Snow walker!

Whatever it takes, remember?  

For me, it takes daily walking, and look I'm doing it joyfully!

I have on 3 pairs of pants, 2 tops, 1 hoodie,
1 balaclava, 1 scarf, 1 coat, gloves
and lipstick!

Monday 17 November 2014

The Law of Attraction states that "whatever you focus on is what you will attract into your life". What???

So does this mean that by always thinking negatively about our weight loss goal that we are actually attracting weight gain???  OMG...I think it does!  (I'm trying to keep this blog clean so insert your swear word here.)

On his website, Jack Canfield says "you can take action to shield yourself from motivation-sapping, fear-instilling negativity" and lists 5 easy ways to get started."  I'm going to give you the short version (link at the bottom of the blog takes you to his page, it's worth the trip!)

Tip #1: Accept 100% Responsibility 
The most critical principle to master if you want to create greater success is to accept 100 percent responsibility for your life – including the type and amount of negativity to which you allow yourself to be exposed. Your job is to take care of yourself. This includes creating environments that are conducive to success. 
We talk about these two in WW.  Nothing can happen without acceptance: Accept that it's your life and your goal. Control your space: if it's not working for you, it's working against you.

Tip #2: Release Negative Feelings
To attract what you want in life, you must live in a state of love, joy and gratitude.
Love this one!  It's so, so simple but you need to practice it and live it.  And when you do, your life will change!  I know because it has changed mine:)

Tip #3: The Evening Review
Whatever you read, see, listen to, talk about and experience during the last 45 minutes of your evening has a huge influence on your sleep and your next day.
Do yourself a huge favour and marinate something lovely in your brain over night!  No negative thoughts...give up the 11 pm news!  If you can't help or change all the bad stuff then don't put it in your brain!

Tip #4: The Daily Success Focus Journal
Another way to stay focused on your goals and on the positive is to create a Daily Success Focus Journal.  Each evening, identify 5 accomplishments you made throughout the day. 
Another one we talk about a lot....write it down! And, what fun... you're writing down 5 little I'm-pretty-darn-awesome tidbits!

Tip #5: Create Your Ideal Day
Before you leave work or go to bed, take a few minutes to plan your schedule for the following day. Doing so sets you up for success and doing it before bed gives your subconscious all night to work on creating ways to make it all happen just as you visualized it.
Visualization works.  You do you realize that when you focus on the negative bits in your life you're visualizing, right? See, it does work.  Change the story you run in your head!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Whatever it that!

As we rush into the winter season we have two choices when it comes to daily activity:
1.  Forget about it, it's too cold to walk/run outside.
2.  Bundle up and continue to walk/run or substitute with indoor activity.

That's it.  If we want continued weight loss we must accept regular exercise is a big part of what it takes.  If we don't want to be outside then we must also accept that we need to fulfill our activity requirements in another way.  That's it.

So think about how you are going to get through the winter months without letting your daily activity fall off. What indoor activity will fit into your life?  What small activities can you add on that will add up?  Decide what you will do and then do it!

Doing nothing all winter long is NOT an option.  We may think (hope?) being sedentary for the next 5 or 6 months will not affect our ability to reach our goal but deep down we know differently. Don't we?

So be a weight loss warrior: whatever it that!
Because winter doesn't last forever and come spring,
you'll be glad you did!
That's what a Weight Watcher does, right?

Does anyone still have their mini-trampoline??? :)

Tuesday 4 November 2014

When it comes to navigating throught the holiday season, do you know which road you're going to take?

I love this image!

The goal is to get through the Christmas season successfully, right?
If we don't plan which roads will lead us to success, we'll still get through the season
but will we be way south of successful?
We need to know where we want to be and which roads are going to get us there!

So start planning NOW how you want the next 2 months to go.  We all know that once the season starts it's like a runaway train and that's exactly how we'll we're racing along and totally out of control.

This week in our meetings we talk about "Setting a Plan for Success!"
1.  Set your goal.  What is the win you want to have this season.  Be specific. Don't just say our pat go-to answer...."lose weight".  Maybe with all the parties going on you'll be thrilled to lose 4 lbs, stay the same or walk every day.  All are wins!

2. Count the risky days.  Love this one!  Realistically, how many risky days will you have?  2? 6?10?  Even if you have 10 over the next 60 days, that means you'll have 50 days to be on Plan!  50 days!!  You can do a lot of good in 50 days!

3. Identify where you'll be focusing your goal.  Have a good think about those risky days and plan how you'll navigate successfully through them.  Remember Alice?  Look what happened to her!

4. Take action.  Take action. Take action.  And one more thing....take action!

And, one of the best actions to take:
You know what I'm going to say...
Attend your weekly meeting!!!