Tuesday 4 November 2014

When it comes to navigating throught the holiday season, do you know which road you're going to take?

I love this image!

The goal is to get through the Christmas season successfully, right?
If we don't plan which roads will lead us to success, we'll still get through the season
but will we be way south of successful?
We need to know where we want to be and which roads are going to get us there!

So start planning NOW how you want the next 2 months to go.  We all know that once the season starts it's like a runaway train and that's exactly how we'll feel....like we're racing along and totally out of control.

This week in our meetings we talk about "Setting a Plan for Success!"
1.  Set your goal.  What is the win you want to have this season.  Be specific. Don't just say our pat go-to answer...."lose weight".  Maybe with all the parties going on you'll be thrilled to lose 4 lbs, stay the same or walk every day.  All are wins!

2. Count the risky days.  Love this one!  Realistically, how many risky days will you have?  2? 6?10?  Even if you have 10 over the next 60 days, that means you'll have 50 days to be on Plan!  50 days!!  You can do a lot of good in 50 days!

3. Identify where you'll be focusing your goal.  Have a good think about those risky days and plan how you'll navigate successfully through them.  Remember Alice?  Look what happened to her!

4. Take action.  Take action. Take action.  And one more thing....take action!

And, one of the best actions to take:
You know what I'm going to say...
Attend your weekly meeting!!!

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