Wednesday 12 November 2014

Whatever it that!

As we rush into the winter season we have two choices when it comes to daily activity:
1.  Forget about it, it's too cold to walk/run outside.
2.  Bundle up and continue to walk/run or substitute with indoor activity.

That's it.  If we want continued weight loss we must accept regular exercise is a big part of what it takes.  If we don't want to be outside then we must also accept that we need to fulfill our activity requirements in another way.  That's it.

So think about how you are going to get through the winter months without letting your daily activity fall off. What indoor activity will fit into your life?  What small activities can you add on that will add up?  Decide what you will do and then do it!

Doing nothing all winter long is NOT an option.  We may think (hope?) being sedentary for the next 5 or 6 months will not affect our ability to reach our goal but deep down we know differently. Don't we?

So be a weight loss warrior: whatever it that!
Because winter doesn't last forever and come spring,
you'll be glad you did!
That's what a Weight Watcher does, right?

Does anyone still have their mini-trampoline??? :)


Anonymous said...

The lady on the trampoline is lucky she didn't get knocked out! LOL
I bought a pair of snow pants last year than thought about taking them back cause they were too heavy, I am glad I didn't cause I wore them just about every day. If you are dressed warm you don't notice the elements, Love my walks with my Eddie (my golden boy) Will see you Friday Joanne I have missed your bubbly self, but I have not missed a week, just you. DarleneL

Joanne Hartman said...

You really need to work for WW Darlene! You are "exactly what to do" in the body of one classy lady. Thanks!
I have my snow pants too and man, it's a work out walking through the snow!:)