Wednesday 3 December 2014

"Tell me what you want, what you really, really want!" (Spice Girls song lyrics)

Here's what we really want, right??

OK, now back to reality,
 cause that ain't never gonna happen! 

We all know someone who can eat whatever they want, whenever they want and never gain a pound...maybe it's your best friend, or your sister or your spouse.  Whoever it is, it's not you....and it's certainly not me! It's not fair, it sucks, it's hard to accept and it's not what we "want" but it is reality. And as long as we ignore reality by continually "really wanting" it to be otherwise we cannot move forward because what we resist will persist.  So just by wanting something that cannot be, and will NEVER be, keeps you from moving forward!  Now that really sucks.

So when I say use your "want" power be smart....stop wasting your time and energy
 resisting reality and "want" something you can actually achieve!  
You will be happier, healthier and most likely thinner!

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