Monday 29 December 2014

Forget New Year' is the day!

I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore and here's why.  Making a resolution implies making a change in the future...tomorrow, Monday, after my vacation, when the kids go back to school, when we finish all of the holiday sweets, etc.  You get the picture.  And then Monday comes, the vacation is over, the kids are back at school and the sweets are gone...then what? 

If you're unable to stay on Plan figure out why!  And trust me, it's not because you're lazy and stupid. It may well be that you don't want to accept that for change to happen you actually have to change.  If that's the case why not make a list of what is so fantastic in your "food world" now that it's worth clinging to even though it has the power to make you feel rotten about yourself?  Does that bag of chips, loaf of bread or can of icing give your life so much meaning that you are willing to sacrifice reaching your goal for it?  (Notice how I chose the things that held me captive for years!!)

For me facing that starch and sugar were not working for me was certainly a challenge but I am so thankful that I didn't give up and somehow found the courage to make the change and stick to it long enough to feel and see the benefits.  Give yourself the chance to be successful and feel it! I'll bet each and everyone of your knows exactly what you need to do to be successful.  Face it, do!

We've got to start thinking that today is the day and will always be the day, not tomorrow, but today. Stop waiting for everything to be right, over and finished to start living in the body you want. Start living in that body today by giving it what it needs, you will be amazed at how your body will respond!

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