Sunday 31 January 2016

Costa Rica - Part 2!

I'm so relaxed that I'm not even going to try coming up with a humorous title.  At our mountain home overlooking the Arenal volcano.  Pretty hard to beat this morning coffee view. Our cups are handmade out of wood and Costa Rican coffee is so good.  Next time you have a Starbucks coffee, chances are it's Costa Rican.  A great way to start our busy days.

We braved the oncoming traffic to go hiking in the rain forest.

Stopped to say hello to this Coatimundi who worked one of the "intersections" on our road. 
 The Coati is a raccoon-like omnivore, but is more slender and possesses a longer snout. It is a nosy, busy little creature with an insatiable appetite. 

 This hike was 1.5 hours long through the rain forest with lots of suspended bridges.  Did not see anything more than a few little lizards.  In fact we've only seen one mosquito, but lots of little sugar ants if you leave a morsel on the counter!

 On this day we hiked through the lava rock below the volcano totally different from the rain forest.

We saw these berries several times and they look delicious but I'm reading the Hunger Games trilogy (thanks Marg!) and remember they could kill me.

I've been doing really well staying on Plan for the most part, eating Power Foods is a Power Food in Costa Rica.  But this outdoor BBQ grill is our favourite spot!  This is dinner for two- Roasted Pork, Ribs, Rib Eye steaks, Chicken Fajitas and Grilled Plantain.  Then each person gets a plate with salad, banana chips (yummy!!!) Yuca (like a potato, gave it to Scott) and 1 tortilla shell.  So it is a Plan meal, just an Atkins Plan meal.  But, as you can see, no sweets!

But look how happy I am!!  The beer is only 3 points...well 6 because I had two.

Wednesday 27 January 2016


Ola from Costa Rica!  Am walking and swimming every day.  The swimming part is a huge step for me as one who is not a lover of the bathing suit but since the house comes with a pool I have decided to make use of it daily.  It may not seem like a big deal to some but this is a huge step for me. And I have discovered muscles in my arms I never knew I had!

 This is where we start our day with the delicious Costa Rican coffee!

Off to do a 3 mile hike through the rain forest!  Am so grateful to be here.  Hope everyone is well and tracking, tracking, tracking!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

The thing about time.

Awareness of time is one of the gifts of getting older. You could say it's a consolation prize for your boobs sinking down your chest. Yup, perky boobs = think you'll live forever.

I don't know when I started to realize I didn't have forever to do what I wanted to do in life.  I think turning 50 was a big slap upside my head.  Let's face it, we all say we're "middle-aged" but that's only if we live to be 100, and in my case 110!

I kept thinking what am I'm going to do with the rest of my life?  I don't want to just coast, I want to have purpose. I used to think purpose had to be huge and grandiose but then it dawned on me: if I spend the rest of my life doing what makes me happy what could be more fulfilling than that?  I love to travel and absorb other cultures.  When I went on my first trip at 16 the airport sign on the 401 gave me such a feeling of joy and it still does.  Travelling is in my soul, my Mother used to say "Joanne would get on a bus just to go to the other side of the road."  I even get excited when other people are going somewhere....perhaps you've noticed? :)

I also love working with my WW peeps toward a common goal.  Nothing in my life has given me more fulfillment than watching people who have struggled with the same problem with food and self-worth, as I've done, realize their potential to change and manage it.  We are connecting and changing our lives for the better.  Does not get too much better than that!

Does the quote below apply to you?  I hope not.  It does apply to me.

I regret having wasted time wishing I had a different life. I was never content with where I was and what I had, I always wanted more.  Looking back I've had a pretty wonderful and blessed life...but sadly did not realize it while I was living it.  Fortunately, gratitude has shown me just how wonderful my life has been.  Who knew counting your blessings could change your whole perception on life?  I am grateful for gratitude!

I'm off to Costa Rica for 16 days to fulfill my purpose in life, to be happy!  
And I plan to hike, swim, look for monkeys and toucans and track every Beer I drink!:)

Be aware of your life and your time, 
both are precious and fleeting.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

What do you think about?

I get the whole universal law of attraction concept and can see it working in my life and the lives of those around me.  I especially see it in the lives of very negative or very positive people. This ideology kinda freaks me out, maybe it's because I'm finding it to be true.

What freaks me out is this: If one continuously thinks about losing weight but thinks they are not being successful in that endeavour does that actually lead to not being successful in losing weight?  Ummm....see what I mean?

Here are some bits from the internet because everything on the internet is true, okay not always but still worth thinking about. 

"Scientists have long known that your subconscious mind is completely neutral and impartial and it will carry out any instructions the conscious mind give to it."

This explains a lot.  My conscious mind is a tad screwed up.  Seriously, you would shake your head.

a) I am too fat, so I need to lose weight - This thinking cancels out each other. Yes, you want to lose weight, but you are also thinking about being fat. The law of attraction does not react to whether you want it or do not want it, it just delivers to you what you are thinking and focused on.

This really makes sense to me.  I believe we are all our own science experiment.  In my case it's the getting back to goal experiment.  For the past two years I have been trying to shed about 7 lbs.  I have been on Plan 95% of the time. I don't eat starchy foods (they don't agree with me).  I haven't had a sugary dessert or treat in 6 months.  I walk, or snowshoe 6 or 7 days a week.  BUT....because I'm not losing weight I constantly think I must be doing something wrong and am forever tweaking my Plan. So what's my thought pattern? "I'm working the Plan but I'm doing something wrong".  They cancel each other out.

b) My family members are fat, so I am genetically programed to be fat - I don't need to explain this further. This is a self limiting thought and guess what? If you think you are fat, then you are. Period.

I don't think this way but do you??

c) I wish to be thin - Now merely wishing is not good enough, the law of attraction will just entertain your wish. You will always be wishing.

This was me for most of my life but not anymore.  I now act but I'm also sabotaging my actions with my thoughts!  Damn, doesn't that make your head hurt?  So, what do you do?  Wish or act?

d) It is difficult to lose or gain weight - Then you will never lose or gain weight because it will always be difficult for you to lose weight.

I can see this thought blocking my efforts.  There have been many times when I've bemoaned how difficult it is and I will never be able to stay on Plan.  Sound familiar?

So when you do not lose or gain weight even if you have always wanted to, it could be because of your self limiting subconscious thoughts. Some of these limiting thoughts are so embedded in your subconscious mind that you are not even aware that they are there.

My "story" is filled with self limiting thoughts!  You know what your "story" is right?  Your "story" is how you think of yourself and your life.  It starts when we are young and effects every thing we will do in our lives.  Sadly many of us have negative stories: we're not enough, good enough, smart enough, brave enough, pretty enough, lovable enough.  A word to parents or grandparents: you can help give the young people in your life a great story!  It's pretty easy, just praise them, tell them they can do anything and encourage them to choose to be kind.  It works, I have a son who is confident and fearless AND he's kind and loving.

Our own thoughts, (or story) when repeated often enough are programed into our subconscious mind and most of the time we do not even know that they are there sabotaging us. These thoughts then become our beliefs, habits and automatic behavior.

So, what do we do about all of this?  I have decided to change the narrative in my head.  Yesterday I started running the following lines in my head: I am doing exactly what needs to be done to lose 7 lbs.  I weigh 150 lbs. I'm eating all the right foods to lose weight.  I am losing weight. I am right on Plan.

Now to be clear, this is really going out on a limb for me, for most of my life I have worked the self degrading angle: the belief that feeling bad enough about something will bring about change. Ya, that works, right?  So, it's either stay the same or try something new.  New thoughts bring new outcomes. The skeptic in me says if nothing else perhaps I will feel successful about my weight loss efforts and journey.  And I think after all these years that will be more than enough.

Monday 4 January 2016

I think it's a law that one must do a "Year in Review" post.

I'm not one who spends too much time looking back, I tend to look to the future but am trying to spend more time looking at my now.  Like everything else it's a work in progress.

If I was to sum up my year in one word it would be "growth".  My daily happiness has grown, my gratitude has become powerful and my acceptance of "what is" has become second nature. And to all that I say "It's about damn time!".  Happiness, gratitude and acceptance are not words I would have used to describe how I felt ten years ago, not even 5 years ago.  That is not to say I wasn't happy or grateful, I just did not live in those states.  Now I do and it's wonderful.  

How did I get here?   

I have really taken this saying to heart and more importantly put to practice.  There are very few days that I don't have a plan on what to eat, how to move and think.  And on those rare days that I don't have a plan, I am quickly reminded of how fast I can eat a large bag of chips.  I had one of those days last Saturday.  The difference now is that I jump right back on to plan the next day or even the next meal.  

You need to feed your soul.

I have always been searching for ways to be a better me.  The difference now is my search it not limited to the superficial.  I now search for books, articles and TV shows that offer me a positive look at the big picture. A look at life outside of the self-destructive thought pattern I've been running through my head on a continuous loop for the past 50 years.  We can have so much negative energy in our lives that we must take steps balance it out with energy that is positive and soul feeding. (Super Soul Sunday on OWN!) 

Accept what is.

Man, I think acceptance of what is has been my biggest and most difficult lesson in my lifetime.! Never have I bucked against a concept with so much diligence and anger as this one.  And never have I hurt myself more.  It is still not easy but I now make a conscious effort to accept what is and go with the flow.  I am able to let go and accept what is because I am no longer fearful that any one person or situation can control my life....I'll be honest with you this puppy takes practice.  But my reward for doing so is peace.

And my all-time favourite...

I really believe practicing gratitude is the key that opens the door to happiness, at least is it for me. Gratitude has never let me down. Anytime I feel sad, stressed, angry, fearful, insecure or defeated I go into gratitude mode.  I list everything I am grateful for and I immediately start to feel better.  I feel better because gratitude puts everything into perspective.  Gratitude helps me see the big picture. That is the power of gratitude.

And lastly,

because that is all this is.  
A sometimes scary yet oddly freeing fact. 

I hope your 2015 showed marked progress in your journey to living the life you want and if your first thought is that it didn't then I suggest you make a list of the things you are grateful for and may that be your start to getting that life in 2016.