Wednesday 20 January 2016

The thing about time.

Awareness of time is one of the gifts of getting older. You could say it's a consolation prize for your boobs sinking down your chest. Yup, perky boobs = think you'll live forever.

I don't know when I started to realize I didn't have forever to do what I wanted to do in life.  I think turning 50 was a big slap upside my head.  Let's face it, we all say we're "middle-aged" but that's only if we live to be 100, and in my case 110!

I kept thinking what am I'm going to do with the rest of my life?  I don't want to just coast, I want to have purpose. I used to think purpose had to be huge and grandiose but then it dawned on me: if I spend the rest of my life doing what makes me happy what could be more fulfilling than that?  I love to travel and absorb other cultures.  When I went on my first trip at 16 the airport sign on the 401 gave me such a feeling of joy and it still does.  Travelling is in my soul, my Mother used to say "Joanne would get on a bus just to go to the other side of the road."  I even get excited when other people are going somewhere....perhaps you've noticed? :)

I also love working with my WW peeps toward a common goal.  Nothing in my life has given me more fulfillment than watching people who have struggled with the same problem with food and self-worth, as I've done, realize their potential to change and manage it.  We are connecting and changing our lives for the better.  Does not get too much better than that!

Does the quote below apply to you?  I hope not.  It does apply to me.

I regret having wasted time wishing I had a different life. I was never content with where I was and what I had, I always wanted more.  Looking back I've had a pretty wonderful and blessed life...but sadly did not realize it while I was living it.  Fortunately, gratitude has shown me just how wonderful my life has been.  Who knew counting your blessings could change your whole perception on life?  I am grateful for gratitude!

I'm off to Costa Rica for 16 days to fulfill my purpose in life, to be happy!  
And I plan to hike, swim, look for monkeys and toucans and track every Beer I drink!:)

Be aware of your life and your time, 
both are precious and fleeting.

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