Wednesday 13 January 2016

What do you think about?

I get the whole universal law of attraction concept and can see it working in my life and the lives of those around me.  I especially see it in the lives of very negative or very positive people. This ideology kinda freaks me out, maybe it's because I'm finding it to be true.

What freaks me out is this: If one continuously thinks about losing weight but thinks they are not being successful in that endeavour does that actually lead to not being successful in losing weight?  Ummm....see what I mean?

Here are some bits from the internet because everything on the internet is true, okay not always but still worth thinking about. 

"Scientists have long known that your subconscious mind is completely neutral and impartial and it will carry out any instructions the conscious mind give to it."

This explains a lot.  My conscious mind is a tad screwed up.  Seriously, you would shake your head.

a) I am too fat, so I need to lose weight - This thinking cancels out each other. Yes, you want to lose weight, but you are also thinking about being fat. The law of attraction does not react to whether you want it or do not want it, it just delivers to you what you are thinking and focused on.

This really makes sense to me.  I believe we are all our own science experiment.  In my case it's the getting back to goal experiment.  For the past two years I have been trying to shed about 7 lbs.  I have been on Plan 95% of the time. I don't eat starchy foods (they don't agree with me).  I haven't had a sugary dessert or treat in 6 months.  I walk, or snowshoe 6 or 7 days a week.  BUT....because I'm not losing weight I constantly think I must be doing something wrong and am forever tweaking my Plan. So what's my thought pattern? "I'm working the Plan but I'm doing something wrong".  They cancel each other out.

b) My family members are fat, so I am genetically programed to be fat - I don't need to explain this further. This is a self limiting thought and guess what? If you think you are fat, then you are. Period.

I don't think this way but do you??

c) I wish to be thin - Now merely wishing is not good enough, the law of attraction will just entertain your wish. You will always be wishing.

This was me for most of my life but not anymore.  I now act but I'm also sabotaging my actions with my thoughts!  Damn, doesn't that make your head hurt?  So, what do you do?  Wish or act?

d) It is difficult to lose or gain weight - Then you will never lose or gain weight because it will always be difficult for you to lose weight.

I can see this thought blocking my efforts.  There have been many times when I've bemoaned how difficult it is and I will never be able to stay on Plan.  Sound familiar?

So when you do not lose or gain weight even if you have always wanted to, it could be because of your self limiting subconscious thoughts. Some of these limiting thoughts are so embedded in your subconscious mind that you are not even aware that they are there.

My "story" is filled with self limiting thoughts!  You know what your "story" is right?  Your "story" is how you think of yourself and your life.  It starts when we are young and effects every thing we will do in our lives.  Sadly many of us have negative stories: we're not enough, good enough, smart enough, brave enough, pretty enough, lovable enough.  A word to parents or grandparents: you can help give the young people in your life a great story!  It's pretty easy, just praise them, tell them they can do anything and encourage them to choose to be kind.  It works, I have a son who is confident and fearless AND he's kind and loving.

Our own thoughts, (or story) when repeated often enough are programed into our subconscious mind and most of the time we do not even know that they are there sabotaging us. These thoughts then become our beliefs, habits and automatic behavior.

So, what do we do about all of this?  I have decided to change the narrative in my head.  Yesterday I started running the following lines in my head: I am doing exactly what needs to be done to lose 7 lbs.  I weigh 150 lbs. I'm eating all the right foods to lose weight.  I am losing weight. I am right on Plan.

Now to be clear, this is really going out on a limb for me, for most of my life I have worked the self degrading angle: the belief that feeling bad enough about something will bring about change. Ya, that works, right?  So, it's either stay the same or try something new.  New thoughts bring new outcomes. The skeptic in me says if nothing else perhaps I will feel successful about my weight loss efforts and journey.  And I think after all these years that will be more than enough.

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