Monday 4 January 2016

I think it's a law that one must do a "Year in Review" post.

I'm not one who spends too much time looking back, I tend to look to the future but am trying to spend more time looking at my now.  Like everything else it's a work in progress.

If I was to sum up my year in one word it would be "growth".  My daily happiness has grown, my gratitude has become powerful and my acceptance of "what is" has become second nature. And to all that I say "It's about damn time!".  Happiness, gratitude and acceptance are not words I would have used to describe how I felt ten years ago, not even 5 years ago.  That is not to say I wasn't happy or grateful, I just did not live in those states.  Now I do and it's wonderful.  

How did I get here?   

I have really taken this saying to heart and more importantly put to practice.  There are very few days that I don't have a plan on what to eat, how to move and think.  And on those rare days that I don't have a plan, I am quickly reminded of how fast I can eat a large bag of chips.  I had one of those days last Saturday.  The difference now is that I jump right back on to plan the next day or even the next meal.  

You need to feed your soul.

I have always been searching for ways to be a better me.  The difference now is my search it not limited to the superficial.  I now search for books, articles and TV shows that offer me a positive look at the big picture. A look at life outside of the self-destructive thought pattern I've been running through my head on a continuous loop for the past 50 years.  We can have so much negative energy in our lives that we must take steps balance it out with energy that is positive and soul feeding. (Super Soul Sunday on OWN!) 

Accept what is.

Man, I think acceptance of what is has been my biggest and most difficult lesson in my lifetime.! Never have I bucked against a concept with so much diligence and anger as this one.  And never have I hurt myself more.  It is still not easy but I now make a conscious effort to accept what is and go with the flow.  I am able to let go and accept what is because I am no longer fearful that any one person or situation can control my life....I'll be honest with you this puppy takes practice.  But my reward for doing so is peace.

And my all-time favourite...

I really believe practicing gratitude is the key that opens the door to happiness, at least is it for me. Gratitude has never let me down. Anytime I feel sad, stressed, angry, fearful, insecure or defeated I go into gratitude mode.  I list everything I am grateful for and I immediately start to feel better.  I feel better because gratitude puts everything into perspective.  Gratitude helps me see the big picture. That is the power of gratitude.

And lastly,

because that is all this is.  
A sometimes scary yet oddly freeing fact. 

I hope your 2015 showed marked progress in your journey to living the life you want and if your first thought is that it didn't then I suggest you make a list of the things you are grateful for and may that be your start to getting that life in 2016.

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