Wednesday 18 May 2016

The trouble is, you think you have time. Buddha

Last week my dear friend Donna had a bad headache which turned out to be an aneurysm and she died.  That is the short version of the story.  Her death has left us all reeling and I can't help but search for the meaning of it all and I keep coming back to this: stop wasting time.

Here's my personal "Stop Wasting Time" to-do list:
Stop wasting time worrying, if you can do something about it, do it, if not let it go.
Stop wasting time on people who don't value you, and by this I mean stop trying to change them into the person who gets what a fantastic person you are.
Stop wasting time on what you think other people think of you, they don't really think about you all that much, they're too busy thinking about their own shit.
Stop wasting time being fearful of trying something new, the worst thing that can happen is that you don't like it or you're not good at it and neither of those things will kill you.
Stop wasting time measuring yourself with someone else's stick.  I guarantee when you die no one with talk about your thighs or your stomach.
Stop wasting bucket list time:  if there is something you'd like to do or somewhere you'd like to go that requires you to be be under the age of 80 because of the possible physical limitations, do it now. 
Stop wasting time hanging on to past pain which when you think of it encompasses most of the above so we must consider this one a super time waster.
Stop wasting time setting a goal, making plans of how to achieve it and then never actually put those plans into action.  If you're not going to act then planning is a waste of time.
Stop wasting time thinking you have more time, you don't.  You just have now.

And for those of us who say we don't have time....

One thing I know for sure is if I live to be the grand old broad I aspire to be, I really don't want to fill my time thinking of all the time I wasted. 


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