Tuesday 10 May 2016

What a difference a day makes.

As much as I like to write about how emotions and thoughts can influence our chance of success, every once in a while I have go back to some hard truths about daily behaviour.  Does your daily behaviour represent a true desire to change? Are you doing what is necessary daily for lasting change or are you doing the hokey-pokey?  You know, "Right foot in, right foot out, right foot in, then you shake it all about"....the hokey-pokey, you're shaking your leg but you're not moving forward. 

I've seen it time and time again (and I've lived it time and time again so I'm not pointing figures here!) where members get all fired up for change and have 1 or 2 successful weeks and then right back to their old habits: not tracking, not exercising, not planning, missing meetings, etc.  Why?  Why does that happen?  I think if you are truly honest with yourself you will admit that you are not willing to do what it takes to change daily.  You want to change, would like to change but when it comes to actually doing what it takes to change on a  daily basis, you're not there yet.  

This may seem daunting but really, from my experience, living in limbo is much, much, worse.  Living with the highs of a few days or weeks of success and then living with the crippling lows when is all falls apart yet again is exhausting and breaks down our already fragile psyche. 

One final thought about the hokey-pokey, 

                                see you at the next meeting!

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