Tuesday 24 May 2016

Are you just going through the motions of being a Weight Watcher?

Sometimes when we've been doing something for a long time we think we're still doing it with the same intent and gusto as when we first started but are we?  If we're no longer getting the same results, are we still really putting in the same efforts?  Or are we just going through the motions?

If you find you are stagnating perhaps it's time to take a good honest look at your efforts.  And really, if you have been doing this for a long time there is a good chance your efforts have dwindled or at least changed.  I've had to re-evaluate my efforts more than a few times over the years!

Never mistake motion or for action: 
 how can we examine this when it comes to being a Weight Watcher?
-Do you faithfully go to your meetings but have hit a plateau in your weight loss?
-Do you consider yourself a good food planner but in reality find that several days a week you have to order in or take a frozen something out of the freezer?
-Your consider yourself a walker/swimmer/gym person but in the past few months your usual 4 to 5 times a week has dropped to 1 or 2 times a week?
-You were a tracking star when you first started but now track less than half the time because you eat the same food all the time so "know" how much you're taking in?
-You used to work all sides of the plan: food, fitness and fulfillment but when you think of it very little new effort is aimed in their direction?

If some or all of the above apply to you, perhaps you are just going through the motions but without true action.  If this is you, welcome to the club, because all of the examples from above are from my own personal experience!  

And if you're not moving forward,
 perhaps it's time to re-evaluate and see what are 
truly actions and what are just motions.


Anonymous said...

Holy crappy do! you must be reading my mind! All of the above LOL gotta get back on track and it is tough! DarleneL

Joanne Hartman said...

It IS tough...even for a rock star at goal LT like you Darlene! As LT's we have to find the balance that defines our own personal maintenance and that has to include giving ourselves a little tune-up every once in a while! Joanne