Thursday 2 June 2016

Every summer has it's own story. What will yours be this year?

By now we've had a nice little taste of summer, BBQ's, ice cream, drinks on the porch and a scale that refuses to let any any of it slide!  Now is the time we need to ask ourselves, "Am I willing to throw my summer weight loss/maintenance goals away for another year?"  I can hear a resounding "No!!!!!".  But if we don't make, and commit to, a plan of action that is exactly what we're doing.

Correct me if I'm wrong but this is how the past few weeks have been:  Monday to Friday (or whenever your work week falls) you manage to get the fruits and veggies in and cook up lean protein so you can make great on-Plan choices.  But then the end of the work week rolls around and since the weather is finally nice we feel entitled to relax and for us that usually means enjoying anything from fast food to our favourite mayonnaise-laden summer salads. It's only Friday and our weekly allowance is gone but that's okay we'll stay within our daily budgets for the rest of the weekend, right?  Nope!  The next morning you wake up and the weather is beautiful and you remember the patio is open at your favourite restaurant, or you think what a great day for a wine tour, or ...insert " just about anything else that tickles your summer fancy" here!  And just like that the summer weekend has voided most, if not all, of your weeks work.  So, is this how it's going to be from now until Labour Day?  Actually, it's more like two weeks after Labour Day before we get back on track.  Remember how we were going to get back on track January 2?  Ya right, more like January 22!

So, now is the time to plan the outline for your summer story.  Does it involve lots of fun and excess? Or does it involve lots of fun and planned indulgences?  Will your summer story end with you frustrated that yet another summer has gone by and you're no closer to your goal?  Or will it end with you the hero of your story, proud of yourself, in control and on Plan?

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