Tuesday 21 June 2016

Let your vanity help you lose weight!

We all know that sugar, salt and trans fats are bad for our health yet we ignore the staggering scientific facts and continue to eat them regularly.  We also know they're a huge hindrance to losing and maintaining weight yet we insist on working them into our daily and weekly plans because we have "the points" for them!

This week I'm going to appeal to your sense of vanity, a quality I possess, and in this instance, has served me well over the years.


Sugar and trans fats cause inflammation which produce enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. Plus eating sugar can cause insulin resistance which can manifest as excessive hair growth and dark patches on the skin.  That's nice.

That could be you.  Sodium decrease the amount of water intake of your internal organs and when they are thirsty and dehydrated they steal the water out of your skin. Check the amount of processed food sneaking into your diet as it tends to be very high in salt AND sugar.

Sugar, eaten in excess, triggers hot flashes and night sweats.
This one is the main reason I skip sugar, it causes hot flashes which make sleeping almost impossible and lack of sleep also ages your skin. Sadly artificial sugar mimics sugar in more ways than one. Bam, triple whammy!

And for all you young people just remember,
what you do in your 20's, 30's and 40's comes back 
to bite you in the ass during your 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's!  

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