Thursday 9 June 2016

"I can't believe I have to watch everything I eat for the next 25 years"! A real statement by a very successful LT member.

This weeks blog could also be called "Even LT members get the blues!"  Last week while weighing in this slightly over goal LT member she startled me with a very emotional "I can't believe I have to watch everything I eat for the next 25 years"!  What startled me was not the statement but the emotion behind it.  This member has always seemed to take the process in stride and with optimism, but in truth even LT's get the blues.  My heart ached for her, I knew exactly how she felt.

We often talk/laugh about the true meaning of means it's for LIFE and it NEVER ends! Can you remember when that realization hit you?  Or has it not hit you yet?  It never ends.

But just because we know and accept that it never ends doesn't mean we are free from feeling the occasional weight of it all on our shoulders. It happens and because it happens we have no choice but to accept it and then figure out what to do about it.  

I've been all of those!  How about you? I think the hardest thing for me was accepting that what once got me to goal and helped me maintain that goal didn't work for me anymore.  I continued to do the same things that got me to goal, being ever so optimistic that they would work again.....they did not! So I finally became a realist and adjusted my sails.  And for me adjusting my sails meant not only adjusting my daily target but also adjusting my daily thoughts.  I will say adjusting ones thoughts may just be the most important step.

There comes a time when we all need to adjust our sails, no matter where we are on our weight loss journey.  Did you once have wonderful success on the Plan and now it doesn't seem to be working? Are you stalled but keep optimistically doing what you've been doing all along waiting for it to start working again?  Are you the pessimist who complains that the Plan does not work?  Are you working only part of the Plan but expecting to get full Plan results?  Are you an LT member who is beyond frustrated that you have to watch everything you eat for the next 25 years?  

Don't give up, 
just adjust your sails so you can continue to
move toward your goal, or back to goal.

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