Wednesday 3 October 2018

Maybe we should think of it as taking our brain for a walk instead of our butt.

Like so many of you I started exercising so many moons ago to lose weight.  Honestly my reason for doing so many things in my life have been to lose weight. That's a sad thought and a whole other blog topic!

One thing I have noticed over the years is how much better I felt about myself after a walk or work-out.  However, getting my butt in gear and out the door is often a challenge.  I used to have a dog which got me out walking every day but since moving into a condo I have not had my 4-legged personal trainer for almost a year and have not walked regularly for almost a year.  Until a few weeks ago when it became a possibility.  If you were in any of my WW meetings you might have noticed how pumped with possibility I was after that walk!  All those thoughts coincided with my new endeavor to not hang on to my history at the expense of my future.  I really want to stop wasting so much precious time dwelling on the past. Right??

These days what's getting me out the door in not the thought of losing weight but the thought of not losing my mind.  As I continue to tread through my life's circumstances I find I have more than the occasional moment of sadness and loneliness which I realize is a part of the grieving process.  It's a part that really sucks! Fortunately I've found that walking alleviates the sucking.  Walking makes me want to state what is possible which now easily turns into an attitude of gratitude.  I return home with any negative thoughts of my history firmly behind me.

As Weight Watchers has changed to WW, Wellness that Works, so too have I changed.  Yes, I still want to lose/manage my weight but now more than ever I want to do so with a healthy and happy mind, free of my history.  For many of us our weight loss journey has become a journey of self-discovery: the ultimate mind game.  Fortunately at WW this game not does have to be played alone and for that I am profoundly grateful every single day......yes, I'm crying right now...haha...

"Where the head goes the body follows."  Ryan Holiday

So, if you're like me and need a reason other than weight loss to get your activity in, use your mental health as your reason, you'll be so glad you did, plus your butt is going to follow anyway!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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