Tuesday 19 March 2019

Walking through the door.

I remember well the thought I had running through my head weeks before I walked through the door of WW for the first time: "I really want to join, but I want to lose 10 pounds before I do."  Didn''t make sense but I know many of you thought the same!  And then after becoming a member there were the thoughts that always followed an off plan time, "I won't go this week, I just wait until I lose the weight I've gained while I had company" or "on vacation" or "after 3 birthday celebrations in one week" or "on this new medication", or fill in the blank.

As a coach and guide I've heard all of the reasons to miss a workshop and have used most of them myself.  The absolute truth of the matter is the most important workshop we can attend is the one we don't want to attend!  When the plan is going well and we're losing weight it's fun to attend, watch the number go down on the scale and hear the "Yay you!.  I've seen people actually hop on that piece of tin instead of stepping gingerly as they often do!  I've also witnessed many members who've showed up when they didn't want to and were so glad they did.  They put their best interests first and were rewarded; they connected with their people, soaked up some positive energy and left renewed!

The courage to show up for yourself is not always easily summoned and we often have so many negative thoughts that strive to over-ride it.  Having our own best interest at heart sometimes means stepping towards our fear and doing what we know to be best instead of what we know is least painful.  Ignoring what is best for ourselves may be least painful in one moment, but it almost always brings more pain in the next one.  Showing up shines a gentle and caring light on your fear and can help release your pain.  

So the next time you're contemplating not attending your workshop for whatever reason remind yourself there is no judgement waiting for you, only love and understanding. We are here for you always. So show up for yourself, no one deserves it more!

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