Wednesday 3 April 2019

Stay in your own lane, you're doing just fine there.

As a coach I often have members share their struggles not only about their perceived lack of progress but with thoughts of how their progress is not measuring up to that of others.  While it's okay to take a look at how one might tweak their own personal plan to get the results they desire, it's never productive to compare yourself to another.  

As soon as you start comparing you will find yourself lacking in all sorts of ways because one only compares when they feel they are lacking so they start searching outside of themselves.  A person who is secure in who they are rarely compares themselves to others and if they do it's more out of curiosity than the need to be different.  All you need is within you, it's never inside of someone else.

So time to embrace the unique blend of DNA that is you and know you offer something the world needs...YOU!  No one offers support like you do, love like you do, joy like you do or kindness like you do.  No one has your light to shine out to the world, only you!  Comparing yourself to others only serves to dim your light not make you shine brighter.  I think many of us have learned that particular lesson the hard way and wasted a lot of time in the process. 

So stay in your own lane, you're doing just fine there!

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