Wednesday 1 May 2019

"Some days you just got nothin'."

This morning I sat down to check with the WW topic for this week and was dismayed to see it is "Ease emotions (without food)".  Normally I would love this topic because ya'all know I love to delve into the food/emotion pot and stir it up!  Love it!

But today I thought, "I'm going to have to really fake it today, cause I got nothin'."  Today I'm recovering from a weekend of trying to ease my emotions with food.  My Mom is still in the hospital waiting for her slow-down-Rebecca meds to kick in so I can move her to a secure floor in a retirement residence.  My Dad, brother and I spent the entire weekend pretending all was okay because apparently I'm the only one who likes to talk about our feelings.  I was determined not to repeat the cookie episode from last weekend when I chowed down somewhere between 3 and 8 large Macadamia nut cookies and then took the last 37 of them and soaked them with soapy dish water, then mashed them up and hid them in the compost container.  Yes, that happened and yes I belong to a family where no one notices when 45 cookies go missing!  But this weekend no cookies, just everything else that was not nailed down.  Have you noticed that they don't nail chips down like they used to?

On my way to Denbigh I was not hungry but stopped anyway and got a can of Pringles and on the way home three days later I was not hungry but stopped anyway and got a can of Pringles.  Both times the can was gone in about 7 minutes and that's not an exaggeration...about 7 minutes.  Yup, I'm that good.

Back to this morning...still nothin'!  Even though as a WW Coach we are members first we still try to lead by example but today...."I got nothin'!" 

I started to think of Weight Watchers re-imagined to WW - Wellness that Works.  And Wellness is not just about the food, it's also about self compassion and perseverance. It's about not berating yourself when you can't get your rings off because of all the salt in the chips.  It's about drinking more water to offset all the salt in the chips.  It's about going for a walk to clear your head or going to bed early if you haven't the strength to try and clear your head.  It's about getting up the next day and deciding to have scrambled eggs with a side of fruit for breakfast instead of the last 3 cereal bars with a side jar of peanut butter. It's about going to a workshop and lightening your burden by sharing it with your people.

So the next time you think you've got nothin' remember all that Wellness means to you and work the ones you've still got.

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