Friday 22 May 2020

Time to dust off your superpower!

Just 2 hours ago I was getting my recycling ready to take out and I came across several empty feminine hygiene boxes and was instantly taken back to late January, (this would be a great spot to stop writing and let you wonder.…what??) when I was sitting by myself on a beach in Cuba surrounded by couples, feeling sorry for myself.  It had never dawned on me, because I never go to resorts, that they would be filled with couples, happy, drinking and frolicking couples.  And to put it mildly, it did a number on my head. Somewhere I have a story written about “I think I just put myself into 2 weeks of in-depth therapy”.  So needless to say I survived, but not until I unleashed my superpower: I never give up. I started writing every day, booked a couple of multi-day excursions around the island and left the resort almost every day to go explore and yes, drank a tad more vodka.  I made the best of it, all the while thinking, “Oh boo-hoo you, you’re in Cuba, by yourself, get over it, it could be worse!”  That was the memory I had this morning, and it made me laugh…because things are definitely worse.  And the lady products??  I’d heard women have a hard time finding them so I took a small duffle bag crammed full of them…I was so hoping I would get asked at security so I could say, “Yup, menopause is a B@!#h”, but no such luck.

Remember all the times you moaned and groaned about how hard staying on Plan was?  Of course you do, we ALL did it! After a setback, perhaps you gave yourself a talking to, reminded yourself that working to change your lifestyle isn’t a straight line and doesn’t happen overnight, and perhaps you even said, “it was only a wee slide, cheer up, it could have been worse!”  And as the saying continues, “so I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse!”.  Time to dust off your superpower, or if you don’t know what your superpower is, time to find out and let it emerge!

Everyone has a superpower….EVERYONE!!! And it must be true because I wrote it in capitols.  My superpower is that I never give up.  Throughout my life, no matter the set-back, I never gave up.  And I’m not giving up now.  Even though I have hard days and I tell myself to put your big girl panties on, but they laugh and say not today, I’m not giving up.  Sure, yesterday I ate enough raw oatmeal, soaked in Vanilla Protein shakes, to sink Molly Brown, but I’m not giving up. This morning I was back to my usual breakfast and hopefully in a couple of days I will not look like I swallowed a bowling ball. I’m not giving up.

What is your superpower? What personality trait takes charge when you’re at the end of your rope but it’s up to you to get things done? What traits comes out when someone else is in trouble and they need you?  Are you a master planner and your freezer is full of plan friendly food?  Are you always trying new recipes or activities?  Able to look at the big picture and focus on the small steps?  Do you journal and work to leave your stress on the page?  These are superpowers!

Everyone has a superpower, how do I know?  Because I hear you what you are saying, and I see what you are doing! I know you have a superpower even if you don’t.

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