Wednesday 17 September 2014

It's not enough to know what you want.

We all know what we want.  I can wager that the next sentence pretty much wraps up "what" we want in a nutshell:  We want to lose weight and feel good about ourselves.  Am I right?

It's pretty simple so why is it so very hard for us to achieve?  It's hard to achieve for some of us because we are only doing half of the's not enough to know what you want, you must "do and be" what you want".  Does that make sense?

Here's a very simple example: If you want to be a doctor, you don't become a doctor by just saying it or thinking it do you?  You have to go do what it takes to be a doctor and losing weight is no different.
To be a doctor you must:
-get into med school (sign up for Weight Watchers)
-attend the classes (attend the meetings)
-study anatomy and do your homework (learn the plan and work it at home)
-become a intern and practice what you've learned (live as a Weight Watcher and practice what you have learned)
-you get a piece of paper that says you're a doctor so everyday you do what a doctor would do (you get a piece of paper that says you are a Weight Watcher so everyday you do what a Weight Watcher would do)
-you are a doctor (you are a Weight Watcher)

 It's not enough to know what you want....You have to do what you want!

You are a Weight Watcher, do what a Weight Watcher does!!


Anonymous said...

love that Joanne, you are so inspiring...
Darlene L

Joanne Hartman said...

Thanks Darlene, so are you Miss-Staying-At-My-Goal-Weight!